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"Oke here's what we're gonna do. So when we land we'll get off the plane and once we're off we pretend like we don't know each other. You just go and grab your suitcase and when you come outside there will be a black Range Rover with tinted windows. He'll bring you to my house okay? "She explains "Sure but why again are we doing this? And won't you be in the car then?"

"I'm doing this cause my manager already told me that the airport is filled with paparazzi who are waiting for me. And I don't really want you to go through it cause it's not the most fun to do. So we'll just pretend that we don't know each other so they'll leave you alone. And no I won't be in the car. I'll be taking a separate one but hey I'll be there when you arrive. I won't leave you I promise." She explains and I just nod.

"I'm sorry Yn. I don't want this either. I just wanna get off this plane take your hand and take you home with me that's all I want but-" "Hey it's oke I understand." I say cutting her off and she gives me a small smile.


I'm now sitting in the car on my way to Hailee's house. When I got off the plane paparazzi were already taking photos trying to get a picture of her. I didn't have to wait long for my suitcase which was nice but once I got my suitcase I kinda lost Hailee. I mean she probably wanted to get out of there as fast as possible which I get.

Anyway, I'm now driving through like a really fancy neighborhood. I mean I know she's rich and all but still I wasn't expecting this. Anyways after a few more minutes of driving we drive onto a driveway through a gate. Then the car stops. I thank the driver before getting out and as I do I can't help but stare at the house in front of me. It's modern but it's so beautiful. Suddenly I see the door open. My gaze drops to the door and then I see her.

A small smile appears on her face as she comes to me. "Welcome to LA." She says "Your house I mean." I whisper still in shock. "Yn you live in the middle of New York in an apartment which is half not even half the size of my house so you are allowed to be amazed." She says which makes me chuckle a bit while I shake my head.

"Come on let's go inside 'cause if you already like the outside you gonna love the inside." She says "Oh wait my suitcase." I say quickly taking it out of the trunk of the car before following her inside. And she was right. The inside is even better than the outside. It's so Hailee, I don't even know what that means but it just is. It's still pretty modern but she made it look so cozy. Like I could live here for sure.

As I'm looking around something bleu catches my eye. I walk towards the big sliding glass door and then I see it. She even has a pool?! Like a private one and it's massive. Oke Yn calm down this is normal you live in the middle of  New York where there are no houses like these. This is normal here.

"Wanna go for a swim later this week?" I suddenly hear Hailee ask to my left and then I see her coming to stand on my left while looking out to the backyard that's also pretty big I mean I don't even have a backyard so.

"Won't it be cold?" I ask turning my head to my left to look at her. "Maybe but I can keep you warm don't worry bout it." She says with a little smirk "Such a flirt" I say laughing a bit. "I know you like it. Plus I'm trying to get you back so." She says with a little wink while looking at me. Then she just shows me around. And like this girl even has her own home gym and like she was right this is twice maybe three times bigger than my place.

"Oke last room also kinda my favorite one." She says as she opens the door then I see it's a bedroom and I guess it's her bedroom. "Oke first of all that bed looks really comfy second I love the floor-to-ceiling window and third your room is massive, "I say walking inside and just looking around.

"I really could stay here forever you know." I whisper "Please do. I wouldn't mind if you did cause my house would feel less empty when I have some company." "Why don't we focus on the present before we start to look into the future?" I ask "Right yeah sorry." She whispers while laughing a bit

"So what do you wanna do cause I don't really have anything planned for today." She says "Are you really asking me what I wanna do? You know that's a bad idea right?" I ask which makes both of us laugh a bit "I'll make us some hot coco." She says giving me a smile. For the rest of the evening, we just played all different kinds of board games which I haven't done in ages and I quite enjoyed it.

"I'm never playing board games with you ever again." Hailee says a bit pissed off "Why? Cause you don't like to lose?" "Yes, you're no fun Yn." "I'm sorry," I say laughing a bit but I can see that she's not happy at all so I get up and let myself fall next to her on the couch. She lightly shakes her head a bit while a small smile appears on her face.

"Where did you learn to play like that?" She asks looking over at me "My dad and I used to play almost every night until he got sick." I say whispering the last part "I'm sorry Yn." "It's oke." An awkward silence begins to form. Something I thought could never happen with Hailee but I guess it can.

"I'm going to sleep." I say breaking the silence "Right yeah me too." She says as we both stand up and go upstairs. When we arrive at the guest bedroom I stop but she continues to walk a bit further down the hallway to her own room. Suddenly she turns around and gives me a confused face.

"What are you doing love?" "Hailee look don't take this the personal way but I think I'll be sleeping in the guest bedroom tonight. I wanna take things slow. I don't wanna end up like last time and cry myself asleep every night hoping you never left me the way you did." I say and it gets real quiet. "Right yeah, no problem. If you need anything you know where I'll be." "Goodnight Yn," she says turning around and walking into her bedroom "Goodnight Hailee," I say in a whisper as she closes her door.

I really wanted to fall asleep in her arms tonight but I promised myself that I'd take things slow with her if anything would ever happen again. It seemed like she understood me but I have the feeling that she wasn't really expecting my response...

An: sorry for not updating. I've been really busy and I still am. I had to write this over and over cause I was never happy with it... hopefully, the next chapter will be better, I'm sorry

PS: I won't update much anymore I'll try my best to do it at least once a month but I'm really busy. Thank you for understanding

Is This Love? | Hailee Steinfeld x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now