Kind of salty kind of sweet

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"Oh, just another boring day."

Mandy, the CEO of Star Park's Candyland was standing behind the Counter of the Candy store and waiting for the time to pass.


Someone hugged her from behind. Instantly she reached out and smacked the person behind her.

"Chester, that's not funny!", she snapped turning around.

"Oh really?", her co-worker said grinning, holding his check. Mandy growled at him, but he just continued smiling.

"Anyway, why are you so sour, little lemon drop? It's been days since my last prank on you and also the customers have been quite cool so far."

Mandy sighed and faced her partner with her usual sour expression.

"I'm just bored... and something tells me, you are up to something."

"What?! Me?! Up to something?! Come on Mandy, where is your love, your trust?"

"For real? Stop fooling me, Chester! I know, you are up to something! You couldn't resist to prank me, even if you would try!"

"Well, well, you're so right about that sugar cup," Chester answered holding both of her hands.

"But I only prank you, because it's my way of showing affection..." he gently pulled her towards her throne, sat on it and pad on his lap. "... for you!"

Mandy sighed and sat on his lap, locking her legs behind his back.

"You know that I hate you."

"Yes, and I also know that you love me."

"Why're you so sure about that?"

"Come on Mandy, I see your eyes sparkling, when you're chasing me, your laughing, when you're catching me, your blushes, when I'm close to you – you're even blushing right now!"

Mandy was indeed blushing and so Chester continued.

"And finally, you agreed to be my girlfriend."

"I've never said anything like that."

"Correctly, you've kissed me and that means a lot more than words in your language."

Mandy gave up and rolled her eyes while smiling. Chester might be a joker, but he was nobody's fool.

"You like me, or else, you would've fired me long time ago." The prankster grinned.

"I would've killed you!"

"Well, we still have time for that in Duo-Showdown."

Still smiling, Mandy rolled her eyes again and leaned against her boyfriend.

"I hate you," she whispered, kissing him soft on the check.

"Hate you to.", Chester smiled and hugged her.

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