A clawsome friendship

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The purple hat turned a rich wine red, Shelly's hair turned from purple to turquoise blue, her clothes turned into a tight dress with a cape and buckled spikes, a flying broom materialized in her free hand, while the frog gun in her other hand became one with a gold one occupied with an eagle owl.

Hoot Hoot Shelly was there and ready to fight!

She quickly jumped onto the broom and rushed into the orange cloud of pumpkin monsters. Thousands of poisonous green eyes stared hatefully at her, thousands of mouths snapped hungrily at her, thousands of voices burrowed into her head, giggling, and laughing, but she showed no fear!

"Tomcat, give me a light!" she ordered. The kitten eagerly climbed further forward until it reached the edge of the hat brim. That's what the black tomcat loved most: when he could use his glowing eyes. The witch controlled the light the darkness. The pumpkin monsters were finally visible and finally within range: Shelly aimed and fired!

The energy from her new weapon blasted away all the charges of pumpkin monsters at once, leaving them howling and screaming as they gutted rice while pulp and pumpkin seeds flew in all directions.

The other Brawl-o-ween Brawlers slowly regained their strength to defend themselves. Side by side with the others, Hoot Hoot Shelly fought her way through the pumpkin patch, her tom glowing and the pretty new eagle owl cawing triumphantly.

But the fight wasn't over yet, more and more pumpkin monsters withdrew, but not to run away in panic: on the contrary. They all gathered in a heap, hopped closer and closer to each other and over each other, formed chains, formed piles, piled on top of each other and wedged themselves together, until a meter-high pumpkin colossus with a poisonous look and a hideous grimace stood opposite the Brawlers, who were tiny in comparison.

"What now?!" the eagle owl asked desperately in the face of the pumpkin giant.

The cat was shaking too. All of his little hairs stood up, from the nape of his neck to the tip of his tail. But he knew what had to be done now. "We join forces! Ours and those of all other Brawlers! Look at what we've achieved so far, Shelly can do it! My can opener will defeat the giant!"

It didn't sound nearly as uplifting, brave, or convincing as he'd hoped, but the eagle owl didn't seem to mind. He walked up to the cat in a friendly manner and grabbed his paw. How could he ever have been afraid of the eagle owl? He was kind, he was supportive, and he loved to brawl, just like the cat.



Power from her handshake shot through every single muscle in Shelly's body, vibrating inside her and for a moment she could neither see nor feel. Then her senses increased tenfold! She had the power of her new skin and those of her friends within her. She was a cat. She was an owl. She was a cat owl! Or an owl cat? Doesn't matter! There was a pumpkin colossus waiting for a few punches!

Like oiled lightning, she shot out of the sky with the two animals on her hat, swept across the pumpkin field faster and faster towards the giant pumpkin monster, activated her star power and her super skill, aimed, and shot!

A huge firework displays of exploding pumpkins crossed the star-studded sky and in the middle-floated Shelly - or rather Hoot Hoot Shelly the Brawl-o-ween queen with her two fabulous helpers in her arms.

The brawlers applauded and cheered her loudly, the black tom nestled against her chest purring and the cute eagle owl belted contentedly.

"Welcome aboard," she whispered to him as she gently scratched her cat behind the ears. "And happy Brawl-o-ween everyone!"


Happy Brawl-o-ween, have fun stealing pumpkins and happy All Saints Day!

Your Coco

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