Dive into danger

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In a nosedive they swooped down on her, deeper and deeper, faster, and faster. The two animals shot towards the pumpkin patch like a fiery meteorite. Just a few more seconds and they would collide painfully with it!!!

The two of them had already narrowed their eyes in anticipation of pain when their fall was suddenly stopped. Not a second too soon, Shelly brought her witch's hat into the light of day and, with Ghost Leon's help, caught the two kamikaze planes.

"Are you two, okay?"

With a mixture of touching concern and astonished bewilderment, Shelly looked at the two animals, which sat dazedly on the brim of her hat. She didn't have much time to wonder, however, as strength suddenly shot through her body. New strength. Strong power.

Power so new and strong that it swept her off her feet. For a few seconds she floated in the air, weightless, a few meters above the brawlers and pumpkin monsters. The two animals glowed, the other Brawlers began to glow, she herself glowed!

And suddenly Shelly knew it was time to embrace this new power to fight and put an end to the pumpkin spooky!

She quickly put the hat with the two animals over her head and put on her most determined smile: fierce and yet full of confidence.

"Let us do this."

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