Chapter 9.1: First Time Zheng Shuyi Saw Him Laugh

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In Zheng Shuyi's mind, writing and organizing this audio could be easily done by any person with only an undergraduate education.

So she didn't pay much attention to Qin Shiyue. The deadline for Shi Yan's interview draft was hanging over her head, and she still had to add a lot more details.

Since Zheng Shuyi started her career, she had never spent so much time on one single draft.

It wasn't because she wasn't working hard enough in the past. Her analytical, comprehension, and organization skills were all fully capable of handling the tasks she received, and most of the time she even had extra time to relax.

But this time, the difficulty of the draft jumped to a whole new level.

Zheng Shuyi felt that this was very tiring for her.

Shi Yan gave a lot of information in his words, and because of this, choosing which words of his to use became the biggest difficulty.

It seemed that if she let any words out, the following content would lack logic and wouldn't make sense.

Zheng Shuyi must carefully consider and choose what to use from every sentence.

To concentrate better, Zheng Shuyi took out the noise-canceling earbuds that she hadn't used for a long time and adjusted the frequency to the highest. The world around her instantly quieted down; even the sound of air movement seemed to have stopped.

Many people were resting during their lunch break, and the lights in the office area were also dimmed.

Qin Shiyue listened to the audio for half an hour and only managed to write three lines on her document. For most of the technical terms, she could somewhat guess what they were at the beginning, but soon, she couldn't understand anything at all.

She looked around, then moved her chair over. She was prepared to shamelessly ask her questions.

She leaned closer to Zheng Shuyi and whispered, "Sister Shuyi?"

No reply.

Qin Shiyue took a breath and raised her voice a bit, "Sister Zheng Shuyi?"

Zheng Shuyi didn't even blink.

It could be said that since childhood, Qin Shiyue has never received such a cold response before.

Qin Shiyue sat back down, stuffed her earbuds back into her bag, and prepared to leave.

But just when she was about to click the off button, she stopped, closed her eyes, and took two deep breaths.

There's nothing else I can do.


Zheng Shuyi was completely buried in her thoughts. When she raised her head again, it was already a quarter past six.

The working hours here only lasted until six o'clock, but rarely any social media platform workers can get off work on time these days.

After all, she was already working overtime. The atmosphere around wasn't as serious as before, some were even chattering to each other.

Zheng Shuyi faintly heard that someone was talking about the interns, so she subconsciously turned her head to look at the desk beside her.

— It was empty.

The chair had been pushed in already, the computer was closed, and even the desk has been cleaned up neatly.

She seemed to be a girl who really liked to be clean and organized.

But she didn't seem to like to work as much : )

Zheng Shuyi was a little speechless.

The first day of the internship was like this, god knows what it will be like in the future.

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