No where to be found

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Arya's POV
Like that days pass on. And my internship period in KS private limited also came to an end. Today was the last working day for me and some other interns.

As there was not much staff in the company, all members arranged an farewell party for us. Some of the other interns got placements in other companies and my dad called yesterday and asked me to return back.

Yeah I need to return from here. Everything and everyone here become close to me. One side, Shobhana aunty who was like my mother, uncle, and charan become my close ones like my family

And other side, Kesav who was my crush and my love and also my mentor. I couldn't stay away from them.

You know what, Kesav was the person who I had crush when I went to Ooty for the first time. I came to knew about it fifteen days back.

Our project become successful and our company value also increased in the market.

When i came to knew about Kesav was my crush, I was on cloud nine. I wanted to hug him and confess him about my love towards him.

But, I did not get a chance to meet him  after our arrival from Ooty. He was busy with other projects and all the interns work load was reduced as we need to leave from the company.

Only few documentation works and other small works were allocated for us. So, i thought to propose him today but who knows, a thing like this would happen all of sudden.

I was excited and and went to home at evening and ready my self for attending farewell party at night in the near by resort. Sanvi messaged me about the details and also informed me that Mr. K ordered all  interns should be present there.

I wore a pink colour saree and left my hair free and wore light jhumka and bangles to my right hand and leather watch to my left hand.

Aunt took kajal from her left eye and kept back side of my right ear to keep me away from bad eyes. And I went to resort where the party held.
My eyes searched for Kesav all the time. I greeted all other interns and staff people too. As hard drinks were prohibited by Kesav, we all celebrated with soft drinks and our all time favourite samosa.

He was no where to be found. I went to Sanvi

" Sanvi" i greeted her
"Hey, you look gorgeous, you know " she grinned.

" thankyou so much Sanvi "

" Perhaps,Did you saw Mr. K "

" No Arya, I did not, i too asked Rohan sir about him but he didn't replied me"

" Oo" ' ok Sanvi' and I went to meet others.

I felt down and bored without him. So, stood at the corner of the room and all others were enjoyed by playing and chit chatting.

Party was held in a grand way and everyone enjoyed a lot. But I felt disheartened without him and few drops of tears started to form in my eyes. I left the party before completion.

Today morning I arrived Vizag. I bid farewell to all the people and departure from Chennai yesterday afternoon.

I was frustrated, angry on him so I blocked his phone number. After six months later, I arrived to the place where I belong to.  Dad asked my decision about joining in our company. I asked him one week time as I want to spend my time with mom, granny and my little pumpkin.

She was the only one who can made me smile in this time. I decided to work in our company for sometime along with my start up idea.

One week of time passed within blink of an eye. We all were at dinning area and

"Arya " my dad called me

" what appa( father)?"

" from tomorrow you need to attend the company"

" Are you ok " he enquired

" yeah dad, I am ok but I will not work from morning to evening dad"

" I will come for meetings and other works and do my start up work from afternoon dad" i replied

" Ok Arya, as your wish " brother said with smile.

" Yeah, Arya dear, as your wish we can also help you with your company if you want "

"No dad, i will take care of start up company work. please, trust me dad" i answered him.

With that everyone accepted my request. Everyone are very supportive to me. Mom was fashion designer and had a sub branch under our companies. 'Alina' is her brand name.

Brother work with dada and maintain our companies along with my sister in law. As sister in law needed to take care of my little soldier with her naughtiness.

She was really a naughty kid. Her age is three years but she order all of us like a boss. Our little baby boss. Miss Pavitra Agnihotri.

"Abhinav , just take Arya with you to the company tomorrow" mom ordered brother.

" no need dear , I will take her with me and introduce her" dad replied.

"But Rahul ji, you need to attend a meeting tomorrow morning itself with clients and Arya may be not wake up at that time"

" No Priya, abhi will attend the meeting and I will go along with Arya to the company"  dad replied

" Oo ok then as your wish " mom calmed her self.

With that my journey to become a young entrepreneur starting from tomorrow.

Even though I felt broken , i can't sit like a devdas i have my life, my dream to chase and my family to lean on when ever I need a shoulder. They were, are and will be my strength.

I was also in touch with shobhana aunt and charan and ask about their well being. And also I was in touch with Sanvi.

Even though i didn't want to hear about him but heart was not at ease and always felt restless.

I asked Sanvi about him. But she said he went to business trip for few months one hour before our farewell part day and it was an urgent one so no one knew about it.

I felt sad. But didn't said anything to her and also i didn't unblock his number as i was really angry on him. I know i didn't confess to him but we become close as best friends.

I thought he too felt same like me but it was not as it seems. So, i leaved the matter to aside.


Hello! Namaste everyone. I hope you will enjoy reading this short novel and support me.

Please share your thoughts regarding story in comments section and also try to give a like for the story. It will help me and motivate me to write.

Thankyou so much for coming and reading this story mine.

From your author,
A. Mrudula.

Kesav ( The Man Who Stole My Heart)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ