Clearing Misunderstandings

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Arya's POV

It was a routine to saw him in early morning. Even though I was disappointed because of his mask, he made my days beautiful.

As it was a short trip for five to six days. I want to enjoy my heart full. And one more mission was i need to clear my misunderstanding with Supriya.

It was really awkward for me to spend time with her. When ever I tried to talk with her, she either listened to songs or went out from the room. It was really irritated me so much.

Moreover, two days already finished in the trip calender and remaining three days. So I decided to clear the misunderstandings between us.

It was already mid day. I waited for Supriya in the garden. First, she didn't listened to me but somehow, I made her listen to me.

While I was watching the trees and plants in the garden, I saw him again but in kutra and jeans. He was really ravishing and handsome in this attire, but to my bad luck he covered his face with mask again.

I really felt irritated to saw him in mask. It was hiding his beauty behind it. And again as usual my heart was beating in different rhythm. Its like it was playing different tune this time.



" ahem"

When I was in dreamland some one cleared their throat with cough. I came back to present and saw that person. To my suprise it was Supriya.

"Take this photo, you dropped in the hall " she said


" huh! Oo ok thank you" i replied to her.

I didn't thought she speak with me.

"What you want to speak with me ?"

"Tell me fast, I have work to do" she asked.

" I want to clear our misunderstandings  between us " I said to her.

" Huh! What ? " she asked with question mark face.

" Yes, i want to clear it in this trip"

" It is really suffocating me "I replied to her.

" I don't know what happens and why you are distancing yourself from me. "

" I asked everyone about it, but no one said anything"

" I really...",

She cut off me and

" It's about shourya " she said

" Huh! Who shourya?, "

" What about him? "

I asked her in confusion. I didn't understand anything.

"He loves you," she said
"Oo, ok... What" i asked in confusion.

"Yes, shourya loves you and because of you he rejected me "

"I don't know when and how he meets you but when ever I talk with him, he ask me about you"

"You are the reason for my heart break"

"I sincerely loved him from past three years and tried to express it in many ways"

"But everything goes in vain" she said and cried.

After listening to her, i didn't know what to say and how to respond to her. Because I really didn't know who was he. I didn't remember the meeting with him too.

I didn't know how to console her because it was a small matter for me but not for her. I saw sincerity in her eyes when she said about it.

I felt bad for her. More than that I felt angry on him.

I touched her shoulders and tried to console her.

"Supriya, one thing I want to say clearly to you,"

"I really don't know who is he and why he asked about me ?"

"And you already know that, I don't like to be in relationship when I am studying and moreover there is no one in my class or friend circle with the name shourya,"

"But he clearly said that he met you," Supriya replied

"May be he saw me somewhere in the college if he is from same college. I swear I did not met him",

"I hope you will understand it," i said to her.

"One thing I want to say, we all know that we can't force our love on someone even though we loved them for years"

"May be he doesn't like you or he may have some other reasons to reject you. We can't say anything. It is better to move on from that person if he/she was unwilling to accept our love."

"It may wound your heart at that time but it is not permanent. There is a saying ' Everything that happen is for our own good".

" So please try to forget about him and focus on your life. I am not saying any quotes to you. I said what i believe in my life."

" I just want your happiness like our family members so, i want to clear our misunderstandings and lead the life like in our past."

I said to her what I felt at that time. It may seems silly for someone at that time but we couldn't understand what was in their minds. I tried to convince her and I hoped I was succeded in it.

With that , I left from there and went to our room. I felt bad and sad for her reasons. If she said about it three years back I might clear them at that time with proofs.

I was hurt because she didn't ask me anything nor said to me anything. Simply choose to distance her self from me. I felt like crying and my mind was in mess. Few drops of tears dropped from my eyes and I closed my eyes to clear my mind.

Around seven pm I woke up from my sleep. Although my mind become somewhat clear from running thoughts, there was some mess too. With that mess I went into our balcony .

Then i heard a soothing music. It was really refreshing and i searched for the source of it then....

Hello! Namaste everyone. I hope you will enjoy reading this short novel and support me.

Please share your thoughts regarding story in comments section and also try to give a like for the story. It will help me and motivate me to write.

Thankyou so much for coming and reading this story mine.

From your author,
A. Mrudula.

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