Chapter 8

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"What are you doing?" she asked, staring at me with suspicion.

"Dancing," I simply said in her ear. "Ever heard of it? You move your feet and body to the rhythm of the music."

"You actually defined dancing to me?" Her eyes slitted in boredom.

"I needed a partner for the time being," I told her.

"You can't just drag me to the dance floor like a rag doll," she said, pushing his shoulder "Why are we dancing?"

"Distraction." I'm hiding but I wouldn't admit that.

"Hiding from someone?" She asked. We pulled apart and closed distance again, hand on her lower back and swayed to the music in rhythm.

"This girl," I answered. The girl in question, Megan, was looking for me. We went on two dates last year. She kept going on and on about her pageant days and envisioned our wedding day the entire night. I didn't call her back. I assumed she forgot about me. When she came and cornered me, she wanted to catch up. I tried to get away but she kept talking. Just like on our date. She wouldn't shut up, did not give me room to talk until I used the excuse to go to the bathroom.

"Is this an ex you spurned this girl in the past?" she asked, raising her eyebrow.

"I went on a few dates with her," he said with gritted teeth. "It didn't work out." I clasped my hand on her hers in a cupping motion, looking over her shoulder. "I don't spurn anyone."

"So you're not friends with your exes?" she questioned.

"Are you? I saw you with that guy, you seemed pissed."

"He wasn't an ex." She looked down at her shoes, our steps in rhythm. "I was his tutor. I went on one date, he used me. Like you never used anyone before."

"I don't, whatever I had with my exes is over and they have to deal with it." She needed to stop talking and dance. I spun her around again. She looked adequate tonight, her dress was knee length. For once she had a polite demeanor, if she limited her facial expressions and words she could have a great personality. She tried to lead, I took over easily.

"Stop trying to lead," I said with gritted teeth.

"I can't help it, I'm used to leading," she said. "You don't need me to dance with you."

"You're my last resort." I kept looking over his shoulder. She was nowhere in sight. Perfect. She did have a point, I could ask anyone but I picked her. She's one of the few that didn't want me because my last name was Davis.

"Last resort? I'm not your charity, Cameron." She squinted.

"No... forget it." I flexed my hand and squeezed hers.

"Ow. Dude," she muttered.

"Sorry." I looked up to her eyes, she looked down to her shoes and stepped on mine hard. "Ow."

"Not sorry." She tilted her head and smiled.

"You're not cute."

"Don't call me cute," she responded.

"I didn't call you cute."

"If you want to hide, you could have hid in the bathroom," she suggested.

"I did that already." I shook my head. I heard her sniff and cough.

"I don't know why she wants you. Lay off the cologne next time," she raised her eyebrows,"it's a bit much."

"Says you and your overbearing perfume. What is that, peppermint?" I asked.

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