Chapter 1

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I've enrolled in five classes for one semester. It's the requirement. Lab and reading assignments. mock lab work. It's what I was here for. I handled high school with a 3.9 GPA. I could handle university. I'm preparing myself for the first week. It would impress the professors. I had my flash cards, note app, daily planner, extra journals, pens and pencils, my books and laptop. My parents bought me a compact printer. I got this. At least we have our dorms and the mental health center. I reopened the Google Excel chart and entered the due dates and deadlines from the syllabus. My phone vibrated in my pocket. Reaching in, a notification of a text from both mom and dad saying do your best and love you. I smiled and replied 'love you too.'

I missed home though. My comfy bed and mom's cooking. I even missed my older brother Evan and his annoying habits when he leaves the empty jugs of juice in the fridge. He's on his graduate program in Iowa for his masters in Chemistry.

"Read chapters three and four for a quiz next friday," I read off the syllabus for the lab out loud, and entered it in the grid. It's the last thing to enter. Done. I'm all set for next week. I set my alarm for an early wake up call. I let out a relieved sigh and laid on my back and stared at the ceiling, my hands were placed on my stomach to count my breathing and breathed in deeply. "Hey!" My roommate Michelle announced when she came in through the door.

"Hey," I replied, unmoving from my position with my eyes on the ceiling.

She snorted, "what are you doing?"

"Corpse pose," I answered.

"Corpse what?" she asked.

"Corpse pose. It's a yoga pose. I looked it up online, it benefits sleep and lowers blood pressure."

"Are you supposed to lie still like that?"

"I think that's the idea. It involves a lot of deep breathing to clear your head." According to my doctor, my pulse was too high for an 18 year old and I had to look for outlets to relax. I'm trying yoga since meditation is too quiet. Maybe I should move around. They should have prescribed me with something. I looked at the doorway. Michelle was dressed up in ankle zip up boots, a purple dress and black handbag over her shoulder and black hair down to her shoulders. "You look nice, going out?" I asked.

"Thanks. And I am." She grinned, her cheeks were flushed.

"What's his name?"


"Daniel. Ooo. Is he cute?"

"The cutest!" She squealed. "He's an English major and he plays Soccer. He told me there's a party at his frat house." Her grin stretched and it made her cheeks blush again.

"A party? Was that an invitation?"
"It was, he's picking me up."

"Aww, well, have fun." I lifted myself up, giving my arms a stretch above my head.

"What are your plans for tonight?" She asked.

"Um, I was gonna go to bed."

"At eight pm? On a friday?"

"I had a long day from the tour, I spent like three hours setting my schedule for the semester." I rubbed my eyelids and slumped my shoulders to express how tired I am.

"Classes start on Monday," she said in a deadpan voice.

"I'm getting a head start. Early to bed, early to rise."

"You need to have some fun for yourself. Did you have dinner yet?" She rested her hand on her hip with a raised eyebrow.

"No," I frowned, remembering I only had a banana, water, and gummy bears for lunch. My stomach was empty as it gave out a low rumble. "You know what, I am pretty hungry."

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