Chapter 2

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I was supposed to be at Harvard at their most prestigious computer science program. I was supposed to be paving the way to making my own programs and apps like Mark Zuckerberg. Only difference was he dropped out and made Facebook. I didn't want to do that. I wanted my degree, and my masters. Every year of my high school career I have had a 4.0 gpa on each of my report cards. I was the captain of the robotics club, co-captain of the soccer team, secretary of treasury in the accounting club, the rotary club, an internship at my dad's company, I worked out at the gym to keep my body healthy, and I maintained a social life. Instead I'm at a third ranking university because Harvard thought it was a good idea to revoke my acceptance due to having 'unforeseen circumstances.' In other words: my senior year was less than spectacular. Dad donated plenty of money to Eastern University since it's his alma mater. I joined the university's soccer team and pledged Epsilon on his behalf since it was his frat back in the day. I had to continue the legacy.

I shook my head, peeking at her as she stared out the window. Her profile was tense, I noticed her jaw clenched trying not to look my way. Her shoulders dropped and she blinked twice. She didn't have to be here. I opened my mouth to say something, and might yell at her. I sighed instead. Same old Caroline Peterson. Stubborn, bossy, insecure. She hasn't changed since we graduated. Besides her hair. Last time I saw her, it was wavy. Now it's curly. For a beautiful girl, she was so uptight. She's jealous, that I had a photographic memory and she didn't.

"This is nice, right?" Michelle asked, she was sitting behind Daniel, Caroline behind my seat.

I heard Caroline scoff and say, "lovely." I looked up as they both exchanged looks from the rearview mirror. Her brown eyes could burn a village as to how she looked with a cold stare, then she looked away with an eye roll. Classic Caroline. Michelle nudged her head to the side with a pointed stare at Caroline. She sighed and leaned half her body in the middle of the gearshift. "So Cameron, how was your summer? Another internship at your dad's office?" I side eyed her snide tone as she took a sip from her cup and batted her long lashes.

"For your information, yes. Like every summer," I muttered.

"Isn't that nice," she stated in a high pitched voice that pissed me off. I inhaled to calm myself down. The sound of her voice sent me on edge. "Working with your daddy and bonding." She patted my shoulder with her fakeness.

"It was, thank you for asking," I replied, mimicking the same tone. She sat back, seeing her shake her head and look out the window. Believe me, this was the last place I wanted to be around her. The rest of the car ride went silent, except for Caroline's loud sigh. Daniel turned on the radio to fill the silent void.

We arrived at the Epsilon frat house. Thank God, I jumped out before anyone else, before Daniel could turn off the ignition. I slammed the door shut, rapidly walking to the house, most of the guys in front of the door were holding beer bottles and greeted me. "What's up Cam?" One of them said, fist bumping me. I breathed, edging my way into the crowd for a drink. The smell of marijuana smoke and alcohol lingered in the air. I needed a drink if I had to be around her tonight. Maybe five. "Cam, chill," Daniel came behind me with a hard pat on my shoulders.

I grabbed one of the cups from the stands and drank it all in one sip. I took another one and walked off. The keg was tapped, others were in line waiting for their drink. Michelle came over next to Daniel, wrapping her arm around his waist and nuzzled his neck.

Caroline right behind her, standing and looking around the party. "Ooh, a keg!" She observed, and walked forward to the kitchen. I knew she wasn't a drinker, she just wanted to get away from me. The feeling was mutual.

"I'm going to my room!" I told him.

"Don't be a grump, Cam! It's a party!" Dan said, shaking his head. "A lot of girls are here!"
I knocked back another one, throwing it over my shoulder. Coding sounded more fun than being here with her. Anything, really. Two girls walked past us and waved with a wink and a smile. I nodded my head. Maybe like them. This whole weekend, I wanted to look for other schools, so I begged my dad for a transfer. He offered for me to try for a semester. "I thought the boys got more bottles!"

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