Chapter 5

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The universe must be messing with me, it wanted me to be miserable for the semester. I had to work with Cameron. Again. I didn't understand. I kept rereading the notification over and over, staring at the screen, not scrolling anywhere else. I tapped on it when the screen went dim. This was a joke, it had to be. The administration must have heard what happened in high school and thought it would be funny to put us together again for punishment. It made me want to pull my hair out. I tugged on a few strands and released them. Two weeks of avoidance and he has to be in my face for the rest of the semester. I almost sent an email to Professor Davidson to work alone, but it was mandatory. A three part project, two partners. I sighed and tore my eyes away from my screen to massage my eyelids. I put my number on the email. I was prompt. I refused to be the type of person to delay anything. I breathed in deeply, nipping at the cracked skin of my lips, placed a checkmark on my excel sheet on my submitted assignments and waited for him to text first. I refused to text first. A notification came two minutes later, from him.

Caroline, its Cameron.

I shook my head and replied back: yeah, duh.

I winced, shutting my eyes tight. Even texting him grinded my gears. I should try to be civil. I'm not face to face with him and already I'm annoyed. The bubbles popped up, I hitched a breath waiting for his reply. It disappeared. My phone was ringing. It's him. Oh, God, here we go. I answered, not speaking first. "So I assume you don't want to work together," were the first words he said.

"You assume correctly," I said.

"Look, we have to work together, ok. This isn't high school. If we fail, we repeat the course. I know you don't want that."

"Don't patronize me, Cameron, I know how the university curriculum grading goes. When do you want to meet up?" I had to be straight forward, the sound of his voice set me off. I had to keep my cool. Was there a way for me to pick someone else before I lose my mind?

"Library. Do you have plans later on?"


"In 2 hours, meet me there."


"Good." I hung up. I wanted to strangle him. So much. It's not healthy despising a person this much. I had to see his face over and over again for the next four years, in case one of us transfers. That's not gonna happen. I rubbed the temples on the side of my head and groaned. My notification rang again, oh god, what did he want to say now?
It wasn't from Cameron, it was from Dylan. I haven't texted him back. He sent a simple hey.

I replied back with a hey.

How r your classes?- Dylan

Good- me.

It wasn't a love connection or anything between us. Dylan was the type that didn't seem clingy or rude. He could hold a conversation through sms texting. I haven't seen him around campus, I hoped he wasn't a townie, maybe he went to another school and was visiting for the weekend.

I took a shot in the dark and asked how classes are for him.

Most of my classes are boring, i have do this lame lab that's only 1 credit but its required- Dylan

Oh wow, hopefully you'll find something to make it unboring- me.

Are you free this weekend?- Dylan. I was about to say yeah, then I remembered I have to meet Cameron.

No, I have to study- me

Oh yeah, same - Dylan

Well ill be around the frat house if you want to hang out- Dylan

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