Chapter 17

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A/N: I hope ya'll are having a good day! <3

Q: Favourite thiam fanfic?

A: nights like these by _family_show_styles_ is one of my absoloute favourites! But i have a huge list of thiam recs if anyone is interested haha <3

"Can we just talk?" Theo asked in a whiny tone from his place underneath Liam's windowsill. He wasn't expecting Allison to pop her head out, her brown locks hanging out the window.

"Fuck off Raeken" she hissed, "go fuck with someone else, Liam's not interested" she added before slamming the window shut. The loud bang had Theo taking a step back, running his hand through his hair.

"Liam! Just listen to me, hear me out" Theo begged, refusing to leave until he at least saw the boy. He couldn't stand the idea of Liam hating him, he was only trying to protect him, he never meant to hurt him.

He moved to the door and began to knock, relentlessly. Sure enough, after a few minutes of loud knocking the door swung open and Allison stepped out. "Do I need to kick your ass for you to understand what fuck off means?" she hissed.

Theo looked down, "it's not what it seems, Allison please just let me talk to him" Theo asked, his green eyes softening. "I have to explain to him what happened, why it happened" he rambled.

"No, you need to fuck off" she retorted, knowing how upset and vulnerable Liam was right now. He didn't need this added to his stress, his dad was in hospital – he didn't need this on top of it.

Before Theo could even open his mouth Liam stepped from behind her, "you should go" he said softly, bags underneath his eyes which only further broke Theo's heart.

"Liam please, I didn't want to break up with you- I need to explain, can I please come inside?" Theo asked, looking around worried someone would hear him. He couldn't have this get back to Isaac or else, it could end badly.

"Ally ill be fine" Liam said giving her a forced smile, "He won't hurt me, you can go home" he said giving her a small nudge. She went to argue but he stopped her, "you have a test tomorrow, you need to go home. Trust me, I'll be fine" Liam said.

Allison reluctantly left, shoving Theo back as she did. Flicking her hair behind her back and picking up her purse. Turning she began to walk away, the echoing sound of her heels hitting the ground faded as she got further away.

"You can come in" Liam said moving aside to allow Theo inside, "you don't owe me an explanation, I get it" Liam shrugged, he didn't care for Theo's excuses. He knew they shouldn't be together, it wasn't right.

Theo shook his head, "I promise Liam, I care about you so much. I didn't have a choice" Theo said only for Liam to cut him off, "you chose to leave me" he said in a fierce tone.

"I didn't" Theo sighed, sitting on the couch and running his hands through his hair before resting them on his forehead, "Isaac made me..." he admitted making Liam frown.

"What?" Liam asked walking forward, sitting on the couch beside Theo. His legs to his chest as he turned to face Theo. "What do you mean he made you?" Liam asked confused.

"He knew Scott, my friend. Well, he was my friend... Look I did something really bad at my old town Liam, something I'll never forgive myself for and Isaac knew Scott... I didn't even know he knew him and now he wants pay back" Theo explained, only confusing Liam more.

"What did you do..." Liam asked curiously, what could have been so bad for Isaac to want revenge on him? Did he set Scott on fire? "Does it have something to do with the arson charges..." Liam added, now more confused than before.

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