Chapter 12

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A/N: Hiii, I hope you're having a good day! I am powering through this fic holy shit <3

"What did you mean when you said you warned me?" Theo asked, eyeing down Isaac from across their poker table. Ignoring the way Malia sighed, not wanting the either of them to start a fight.

"Because you'll get hurt, you're making a mistake" Isaac hissed, slamming his cards on the table as if that made his point any stronger. "You think you're good for him? You're not Theo, you got expelled and had to move towns for what you did".

"You don't know shit!" Theo hissed standing up and pointing his finger in Isaac's direction, "just because I'm soft with Liam, does not mean I won't beat your ass Isaac" he threatened through gritted teeth.

Isaac chuckled darkly before he stood up, "do it then, we'll see how far you get" he warned. Watching as Theo stared him up and down before taking a step closer, walking around the table and ignoring Malia's pleas.

"Come on Raeken, hit me" Isaac smirked, standing over the younger boy. Theo's nostrils flared in anger as his fists balled, "or better yet" Isaac whispered, leaning closer so Malia couldn't hear him "repeat what you did to Scott" he snickered.

Theo's fist connected with his face, sending the taller guy backwards. "Shut your fucking mouth you piece of shit! You don't know a dam thing about him!" Theo yelled, about to stand over him when Malia pushed him back.

"Don't you dare" she snarled, protecting Isaac like she always did. "Both of you, calm the fuck down and grow up" she hissed turning to Isaac and giving him a warning look. Despite her attitude she wasn't a fighter, not physically.

Theo's eyes narrowed in on the boy before him, a small drip o blood was leaving his nose and Theo couldn't help the smirk that appeared on his face at the sight of it. "Watch your fucking mouth Lahey" he hissed, grabbing his cigarette's before turning and exiting the building.

Malia scoffed, bending down to help Isaac "what the fuck is wrong with you?" she snarled, hoisting him up with his help. "Obviously that's a sore subject why push him?" she asked unsure of what his motives were.

Isaac rolled his eyes and shrugged her off, "I'm trying to help him" he snapped, "he's living in a fantasy world and he needs to realise people like us don't fuck with people like Liam... or Stiles" he added, jabbing at Malia.

"Stiles is just a friend" she said glaring at him, she wasn't about to be his target of anger. "Besides, its really none of your business who I fuck" she added with a smirk, putting her hands on her hips.

Isaac scoffed, "so you did fuck him? Wow Malia how desperate are you? He was a virgin and you had to sleep with him?" Isaac seethed; he could tell he was pushing her buttons but that didn't stop him.

"Did he call you pretty? Did he tell you all the things your daddy never did?" He taunted, standing over her only for Malia's saddened eyes to meet his, "you're both pathetic" he said.

Malia raised her hand and slapped him across the face, "go to hell" she growled. Grabbing her bag and leaving the warehouse and leaving Isaac on his own, just like he deserved. "In case you were wondering I'm going to fuck Stiles again" she shouted before slamming the door shut.


"Any news?" Allison asked, sitting beside Liam who shook his head. Since her father had passed she had spent every moment with Liam or Stiles, Noah was currently in order of getting guardian ship over her.

"He can't breathe on his own yet, it's not good" Liam said softly, he felt out of tears. He was still sad, but he felt more numb now, he couldn't cry anymore. Theo came into sight and handed him a cup, he eyed it confused.

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