Chapter 13

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A/N: Okay I think this book will be 20-25 chapters, it's definitely not a mini fic anymore lol although the chapters are still shorter then my other books <3

"Yes mum I'll be careful, he needs me" Theo said as they drove back to Liam's, the breeze blowing through the window and pushing his sleek hair back. "I just need to make sure he's okay...".

"You're quite fond of him" she said in an observant tone, before he could reply she continued "I don't care if you're gay son, however... this town will care and I cant protect you and him, he's the preacher's son" she said softly, careful not to upset him.

"I know mum, thank you" he said not wanting to go into too much depth about his feelings for the boy, he had never been an open book. His tough exterior was nothing but a mask, sure he was expelled and had to be on parole... but that wasn't exactly his fault.

He didn't know that would happen to Scott, if he did then he never would have done it to begin with. It was supposed to be harmless, fun... it wasn't supposed to be deadly, fatal. "We're here" his mother announced, stopping at Liam's house.

"Thanks mum, I'll walk home" he said, she gave him a soft smile and a nod watching as he knocked on the door, once he entered, she left. She truthfully didn't care if he was gay, she wasn't very religious herself she just wanted her son to be happy and at peace.

"Hey" Theo said softly, noticing a small cut on Liam's arm "how'd you get that?" he asked quickly, grabbing his arm to further inspect it. Liam snatched his arm back, his eyes panicked as he shook his head.

"I fell" Liam said a little too quickly for Theo's liking, "seriously it's nothing I'm okay" he added, turning around only for Theo to re grab his arm, "Theo, just drop it" he said with that spark in his eyes that Theo loved.

"Talk to me, tell me what happened?" Theo asked, he just wanted to help. After everything he had been through Theo knew he just needed to let it out, he needed comfort and release.

"I did it to myself, ok?" Liam hissed, successfully snatching his arm back again "I felt numb, and I just needed to feel something... pain makes you human" Liam scoffed, "I won't do it again, don't worry" he added trying to brush It off.

"Liam" Theo said softly, leading them to the couch before continuing "you have been through so much in the past week, I'm sorry for adding to that but please don't shut me out" he took the younger's hands in his, "I would rather you talk to me then hurt yourself".

"I didn't want to bother you..." Liam said, his oceanic blue eyes meeting Theo's and he felt his breath hitch, "I don't want you to think I'm crazy or anything" he added, leaning forward and cupping Theo's face.

"You're far from crazy" Theo said as Liam crawled over the top of him, his legs displayed on either side of the older boy's lap. "You're cute" Theo said as Liam's lips pressed against his, "you're hot" he turned his neck as Liam assaulted it with kiss "and you're mine" he breathed out.

Liam nodded, never once did he ever think he would be making out with a man in his house, his dads couch... But here he was, Liam began to rock back and forth, the friction between them was rubbing, "wait-" Theo breathed out, confusing Liam.

"Did I do something wrong?" Liam asked with panicked eyes, having been assaulted himself he never wanted to overstep and put anyone through the trauma he had to personally endure, although he blacked a lot of it out but he still felt it's lingering presence and the image in his mind of those specific blue shoes.

"You're vulnerable right now" Theo said, cupping Liam's face "I don't want to do something with you while you're not thinking straight, I'd be no better then him if I did that and you deserve to be ravished" Theo said, his eyes darkening as the words rolled off his tongue.

"I won't regret it if that's what you're worried-" Liam rambled but Theo cut him off, his hands wrapped around Theo's muscular arm feeling it pulse within his grasp. He wanted him, he craved him. Something about Theo thrilled Liam, it burned deep within him.

To think a few weeks ago he hated him, he despised him and thought the worst of him. But now, he saw the real Theo. He saw Theodore, he saw him for who he really was and past the mask he held up. This was the side of Theo he liked, the side he wanted.

"I'm not worried about that" Theo said, it took everything within himself to hold back. Every part of him just wanted to devour the younger, to explore his body and to ravish him. But he couldn't, not while Liam was in a clear state of emotional distress.

"I can't do this while you're not thinking straight, I don't want that for our first time" Theo explained, first time. Liam shuffled off his lap, remembering Theo was a virgin he immediately felt bad.

"I am so sorry, I forgot you're a virgin I" Liam began but Theo placed his lips on Liam's, capturing them for a longing kiss. "You're a virgin too love" Theo said with a soft smile, his thumb gently caressing Liam's flushed cheeks.

Before Liam could respond they heard a shatter, Theo was quick to stand up practically shielding Liam with his body, "what was that?" Liam whispered, slowly standing up behind Theo and grabbing his arm.

"I don't know" Theo whispered back, despite being anxious he was more concerned with Liam's safety then his own. He took a step forward, "who's there?' he called out "I've got a gun" he said.

Liam wasn't even sure if he was lying or not, it wouldn't surprise him if Theo did. But that didn't scare him, he knew Theo would never hurt him. Theo continued walking forward until he reached the kitchen, Liam close behind him still holding his arm.

"Shit" Liam squeaked out, turning when the front door flew open behind them, "what the fuck?" he snapped. Prepared to rush forward when Theo stopped him only to rush forward himself, looking out the door only to see nobody around.

"Was someone here before? Did you have someone over?" Theo asked in a demanding tone, taking a deep breath when Liam took an anxious step back, "I'm not asking out of jealously, I'm asking for your safety because someone was in your house Liam" he said calmly.

Liam shook his head, "no, nobody was here with me... that I know of" he said now feeling on edge, looking around the house for any sign of intruder. "There, that's what dropped" Liam said rushing to a photo frame that had been shattered.

Theo grabbed it and considering it was once on the kitchen table it was safe to assume it had been pushed off or thrown. "You can't stay here alone" Theo said in a concerned tone, "it's not safe".

"I'll be fine" Liam said but Theo wasn't having a bar of it. The pair seemed to be going back and forth until they came to a compromise, Theo would stay with Liam at Liam's house. "I'm not going to be scared in my own home" Liam stated, wishing more than anything that it was true.

Theo's phone ringing pulled him from his racing thoughts, he saw Malia's name. frowning with confusion he answered the call, "Malia?" he said only to be bombarded with crying and frantic speaking, he could barely understand her, "Lia, calm down I can't understand you" Theo expressed.

Liam's confused eyes followed Theo as the older boy began to curse and pace around the house, "how is that possible? Well, did you do it? What that's a valid question Malia- Okay how much is it? What?" Theo rambled, clutching his phone tightly.

"Theo" Liam said softly only after the boy had hung up, "what happened? Is she okay?" he asked confused, not understanding what was happening to all of their friends lately. It wasn't adding up and Liam would be lying if he said he wasn't scared, "is she ok?"

"No, she just got arrested" he said through gritted teeth, shoving his phone into his pocket, "they apparently found two kilograms of coke in her locker? Someone's framed her for sure, she doesn't even do coke" he snorted, despite the situation not being funny at all.

"Someone's targeting us..." Liam realised, "it can't be a coincidence, it just can't be" he expressed, his voice wavering with worry. Theo nodded, pulling him close and holding him. Liam's touch was the only kind that had ever soothed him and right now he needed that more than ever.

A/N: Thank you aathmanr for going over everything prior and for your suggestions!

Published: 26th October 2023
Word count: 1523

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