Chapter 16

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A/N: I am so excited that it's Halloween! I'm celebrating by hosting a very small dinner party, I can't wait <3

Q: Favourite thiam scene?

A: nothing beats the zoo scene for me!

"Okay, thank you for letting me know" Liam said on the phone, hanging up after he spoke. His eyes met Theo's and he gave a saddened smile, "Three months... he's going to be in hospital for three freaking months" Liam sighed.

"I'm sorry love" Theo said placing a hand on Liam's back, they were out the front of the warehouse "we can go home if you wish, we don't have to go inside" he added but Liam shook his head.

"No, I need a distraction" Liam sighed, "this can be my distraction, I need a drink" he added before they walked inside. Seeing Isaac and Allison in the crowd they began to approach them, "where's Stiles?" Liam asked.

"Bathroom!" Allison slurred loudly over the music, Isaac's arm around her waist holding her up, "I have some drinks- I am drunk" she laughed. Brushing past them to the crowd and beginning to dance.

"Is Stiles ok?" Liam asked with furrowed brows only for Isaac to shrug, "Okay, I might go check on him then, if she's like that I'm assuming he's also wasted" Liam sighed, not in the mood to play babysitter.

Theo nodded, only when Liam was out of sight did he look up to Isaac "it's pretty packed tonight" he said, "are you okay?". Isaac nodded, grabbing Theo's arm and leading them to the corner of the warehouse.

"What are you doing?" Theo asked, annoyed by Isaac's silence and weird behaviour, "Isaac, what is that..." Theo snapped, feeling himself begin to back away at sight of a car part.

Isaac handed it to Theo, "I'm not really a car guy but I believe that's what makes the brakes work" Isaac said with a shrug, grabbing a cigarette from his packet and lighting it, inhale exhale.

"What the fuck?" Theo asked observing the piece himself, he also knew nothing about cars. "What did you do? Did you touch the preacher's car?" he hissed, pushing Isaac back only to feel something sharp poking at his side.

He looked down to see a pocketknife, "back up Raeken" Isaac said, keeping his grip on the knife tight as Theo slowly took a step back. "I'm sure you've realised I'm not the biggest fan of your little relationship with Liam..." he stated.

Theo scoffed, "I thought we moved past that, what the fuck is your problem?" Theo asked with a frown not understanding what Isaac was getting at. Isaac chuckled, putting the knife back into his pocket.

"Scott was my friend Theo, the guy who died because of you" Isaac hissed, noticing the way Theo's eyes widened at his words. "He's dead because of you, I won't let that go unpunished".

"What.... I- that's not what happened, It wasn't my fault- I didn't mean to" Theo began, his mind racing. It wasn't his fault, it was an accident. He didn't mean to hurt Scott, he never would have hurt Scott.

"You're going to pay for it Theodore" Isaac smirked, "starting with your little relationship" he said drawing back on his cigarette, his eyes catching Liam's in the distant who had a very drunk Stiles on his shoulders.

"Don't touch him" Theo said although his voice wasn't very threatening, it was wavering with worry and fear. Fear of losing Liam or of the younger boy getting hurt, he'd never forgive himself if anything happened to Liam.

"I won't touch him" Isaac snickered, "as long as you dump him" he added watching the way Theo growled, "what? I could just stab him instead? Is that what you'd prefer?" he asked.

"Shut the fuck up" Theo snapped, stepping forward and momentarily forgetting the taller guy had a knife until he felt it pressing against his hip yet again, "don't touch him" Theo breathed out. 

Isaac smirked, "then off you go, go and break his little heart" he said putting the knife back into his pocket and shooing Theo out of his face. As Theo began to walk away he felt Isaac's eyes piercing into the back of his head, he had to do this.

"Liam" he called out, a sigh of relief when he saw Liam. "Can we talk, now?" Theo asked, his eyes darting to Isaac watching them from the table. Liam was hesitant but nodded, allowing Theo to lead him to the back room.

"You know I care about you right?" Theo asked, feeling himself choke up as he began to speak. Once Liam nodded, he continued "I think now is the wrong time for us to be official... umm I think-" Theo said but then Isaac was walking behind Liam.

"What are you saying?" Liam asked in a soft tone, not understanding why Theo would be doing this after they just made it official – it didn't make sense. That was when Isaac walked into Liam's view, "Isaac we're busy, go away" Liam said.

Isaac placed an arm around Theo's waist, "I'm assuming you told him?" Isaac asked looking down to Theo who nodded, "good, then we'll be on our way" Isaac said beginning to lead Theo away only for Liam to grab his arm.

"Hey, no" Liam said tugging at Isaac's arm but it was hopeless, the taller guy was stronger. He flicked his wrist which led Liam to stumble back, "Isaac!" Liam snapped, storming back towards them.

"Back off Preachy" Isaac said now holding his knife and aiming it in Liam's direction, "he doesn't want you, are you that stupid?" Isaac asked, "turn around before you embarrass yourself anymore".

Liam watched as Isaac led Theo out of the warehouse, his heart hurting and his mind swimming. "What the fuck?" he whispered, "Ally, not right now" he said when a bubbly and chipper Allison walked his way.

"What's wrong Li?" she slurred, turning she saw Theo and Isaac leaving the building. "Oh fuck him, come on" she said dragging Liam to the dance floor, he didn't want to dance though.

He just wanted to go home.

A/N: Happy Halloween! Stay safe <3

A/N: Thank you aathmanr for going over everything prior and for your suggestions!

Published: 31st October 2023
Word count: 1045

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