𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖗𝖘 𝖆𝖗𝖊 𝖋𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖎𝖓𝖌

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The grenade hits. Everyone runs.

Thomas tries to jump on the grenade, but he doesn't has enough time. The grenade explodes.

Everyone thrown into the fire.

Minho and Thomas land together, the both hit into a very big tree.

"Minho, are you okay?" Thomas asked. "I think so. You?" Minho responds

"I'm fine." Thomas grunts. He tries to stand up but his abdomen is pierced by something, making him yell out in pain. "Tom.." Minho says. Thomas tries to remove the foreign object. "Tom stop." Minho tries. Thomas keeps trying, his hand red from his blood. "Thomas!" Minho yells.

"Stop! You are going to die, if you keep doing that." Minho says. "We need to get to them." Thomas says.

"This isn't the way!" Minho says. Thomas manages to remove the object and he makes his way towards Minho.

"Minho, your legs." Thomas says. Minho's legs are trapped under a tree. "It doesn't hurt." Minho realizes. "Thomas, why doesn't it hurt?" "I don't know."

Thomas tries lo lift the tree, but it's too heavy. But he manages to move them off Minho's legs.

"I don't feel my legs, Tom." Minho whispered. Thomas looks down as he sits next to Minho wincing in the process. "Look Min, the sea is on fire." Thomas says.

"And the stars are falling." Minho retorts. "Make a wish." Thomas keeps a bloody hand on his stomach trying to keep the bleeding under control, while the other holds Minho's hand. "What's the point? The stars already fell." Minho asks. "Just because the stars fell, it doesn't mean that they weren't worth wishing on." Thomas squeezes Minho's hand.

Minho closes his eyes, making his wish. "What did you wish for?" Thomas asked. "I wished that I remembered." Minho shifts, wincing. "I wished that I remembered my life before WCKD. I wished that I remembered my dad or my mom, or a sibling if I had one. Don't you wish you remembered that?" Minho finishes.

"Not really." Thomas shook his head slowly. "Why?" Minho asked. "Because I would feel guilty. I would be trying to get to them instead of trying to survive and I have a feeling my life would have had been a very terrible, crappy life." Thomas explains.

Minho nods and asks "You went through the changing, did you see something about your life from Before?" (They called it Before because it was before WCKD. Every time they say something about their past life they say 'it was Before'.) "Some flashes." Thomas admitted.

"What did you see?" Minho asked. "I saw a blue car and a forest. I remembered a group of people their faces are blurry but sometimes I can actually hear their voice." Thomas explains. "Your lucky Tom." Minho laughs, coughing up blood. Thomas squeezed his hand.

"I'll die Tom." Minho said. "No, you are not." Thomas responded, determined to save his friend. "Since the moment we stepped foot on the maze, we were going to die, we just extended our time. As much as we regret doing it, I would do it again. You are my brother Thomas, even if you are a slint head." Minho coughs.

"I won't survive loosing you." Thomas whispers. "You have to, Tom." "I won't. You know that." Thomas says. "You will, T." "How do you know that Min?" "I can't tell you how you will survive without me. I cannot tell you how to mourn me. I cannot convince you to not feel guilty if you forget the anniversary of my death, or if you realize days or weeks or months have gone by without thinking about me. I just want you to live." Minho says.

"God! Minho! We are both going to die. I'm loosing blood faster than I can think. You can't move. Doesn't matter if I want to survive. We are both going to die at the end." Thomas yells.

Something clatters making the two runners flinch. "Smoke grenade." Thomas says.

Everything fills up with smoke. The only sound is Minho and Thomas coughing and the fire crackling.

Someone grabs Thomas and Minho by the shoulders and begins to drag them.

The soldier drags the runners to were the rest are. Not a lot survived the attack. Just: Brenda, Aris, Teresa, Frypan, Gally, Vince, Sonya, Harriet and Jorge.

They are all on their knees, guns being pointed at them.

The soldier places roughly Minho and Thomas with them.

"The leader and the second in command." The soldier says, his voice booms across the destroyed haven.

Janson comes out of the shadows.

"When the trials first started I didn't think you all were going to be such pains in my ass. Especially you Thomas." Janson says pulling Thomas to his knees by his hair.

"What are you doing here?" Vince asks. "Doesn't matter how much I hate you, I still need you guys." Janson growled out. "No. What you need is to be severely beaten with a pipe wrapped in barbed wire." Thomas threatened earning a pistol whip, to the face and bullet to the shoulder. 

Thomas grunts out in pain but doesn't move. Sonya tries to get close to him, but Janson shoots her between the eyes. Everyone freezes and silent tears run across Thomas face. Harriet sobs loudly not daring to move to her girlfriend's dead body.

"Any one moves or talks, you die. Understood?" Janson says. No one answers. "Understood?" Janson yells. They nod. 

A soldier comes up to Janson and whispers something in his ear. Janson nods and races his gun and fires nine shots, hitting everybody but Thomas and Minho in the forehead. Minho . got shot in the heart and Thomas doesn't think twice, to crawl to Minho. He puts Minho's body in his lap.

"Minho.." He cried. "It's fine, Tom. I'll be with them now." "Don't leave me, Minho." Thomas sobbed, he knew it was selfish and petty and that it wouldn't change anything but it hurt. It fucking hurt. 

"I do not regret my yesterdays, but I'm out of tomorrows. Ironic huh?" Minho asked. Thomas chuckled but it came out more like a broken sob. 

"I want you to promise me something." Minho said."Anything." "Find my family, give them this." He hands Thomas a watch and continues "And say that I died in the arms of my brother, okay?" Thomas nods. 

"Another thing. Thomas I need you to live. Not just survive but live too. Okay? I need to know that you are happy, that you fell in love again, and if you forget about us it's fine, but never forget about those moments, like: your first night in the glade, or when you ran in the maze, or when you got drunk, or jumped from a shucking skyscraper. Never forget about it."

"I won't" Thomas whispered. "Don't forget to live too. Please Tom, if not for you than for me and Newt." Thomas nodded. "Goodbye brother, I'll say hi to Newt for you." Minho closed his eyes, his body fell limp. 

His stars fell, and Thomas couldn't save them.

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