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Jk chuckle
"You always do the same, always ignore my opinions, my choices,you never think of me as someone equal to you, that's for my decision never matters, whatever I think is nonsense for you, you didn't even ask me before deciding anything..
Its not your fault though who am I infront of you , iam just a immature, childish, fool, i know i dont deserve you , you deserve more mature partner not a naive like me"

Tae look concern as he stare at younger

"Jungkook, calm down," Tae said, trying to diffuse the tense situation.

"Why should I calm down, you know it's true , you always decide everything and never involve me in decision making not even think of asking me whether it is of pregnancy or something else "

Jungkook's furious gaze met his as Tae took a step forward, his voice carried a hint of irritation as he responded, "And what about you, did you care about my opinions, have you ever ask me if I was ready to have a baby? Or if I wanted to be a father?"

Jk breath shivered , "you gave me pills without my knowledge just because you are not ready to become father, is this what your justification is,"

Their eyes locked in a tense stare as Tae continued, "Jungkook as i said earlier using condoms and contraceptive pills is normal now a days , i used condom when we first had sex , and second time when I didn't use condom so I gave you pills because I thought it's normal, at that time I didn't have any idea of your wish for having baby, I thought ofcourse you are just 19 still a student and I did what my instincts told.. if i knew you wanted baby , I would have never gave you medicine without asking you, you never told me about this until it's yesterday, you shut me down when I was trying to make you understand, you didnt even care to hear me yesterday, why its always me, did you try to understand me, does my opinions matters to you"

Jk bite his lips feeling his anger intense, "you trying to shift your blame on me "

Tae took a step back, his tone softening. "Iam not shifting any blame just telling you Every time we fought, you always come to a conclusion that I'm doing this because I don't love you or think of you as someone low, you never try to understand me, I admit that I often make decisions without involving you which is obsoletely wrong iam sorry for that, It's just my natural behavior, before you i used to calculate everything and decide what is best for me. After you came into my life, I continued this behavior. I always think and do what is best for you and us."

Tae exhaled, holding Jungkook's hand, "now you're a student, but in the future, you might become more successful than I am now. I never thought you were beneath me or undeserving of me so just don't let this thoughts room in your mind and try to understand my point , i did wrong , i will try to change my behaviour"

Jk jerk his hands feeling emotionally driven, he didnt wanted to hear anything, falling for Tae's word as he was still hurt , "You're just manipulating me with your sweet words. I don't need anything from you. Just leave me alone!"

Tae refused to let him go, holding onto his hands firmly as jk tried to push him away.

"Please, just leave me alone," Jk repeated, his voice filled with anguish.

Tae wrapped his arms around Jk's waist, pulling him into a tight embrace. Jk's sobs intensified, his emotions pouring out as he hit Tae with his fists and continued crying uncontrollably. Tae held on waiting for him to calm down

Eventually, Jk's sobs grew quieter, and his body relaxed in Tae's embrace. Tae gently guided him towards their bed, supporting him as they walked. Once they reached the bed, Tae tenderly laid Jk down, tucking him in with care.

Jk continued to sob softly, his tears slowly subsiding. Tae remained by his side, offering silent comfort as he softly patted Jk's back. Gradually, exhaustion overcame Jk, and he drifted into a fitful sleep, still clinging to Tae.

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