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Day passes but nothing change except the fact that Tae is more strict towards jungkook and yeonjun for study as the exams are near but jungkook was no where to concentrate on exams his full focus was on tae .. jungkook wanted tae to treat him like husband sharing everything whether it's good or not but Taehyung never start any conversations himself even if jungkook asked anything his answers are almost one word which dissapoint him

He wanted to take responsibility of a husband.. he wanted Taehyung to see him as a husband not same as treat yeon

He groaned in annoyance thinking how to do this..

What should he do to go more closer to his husband

"Kookie stop whinning like a baby.. "

Yeon said to the younger who was sulking sitting on the bed Tae had warn both of them to study but the younger couldn't concentrate

" do something yeoniee.. "

Yeon sighed
"Bunny have you seen emma.. "

Jk -" I saw her everyday yeoniie "

Y-" that's not I mean idiot .. have you seen what emma do.. her everyday work.. she make breakfast , coffee for dad.. and then when dad is leaving.. she tied his tie .. goodbye kiss.. giving hug .. when dad return she give him water asking about how was his day.. you can also try this same.. may be hyung started thinking you of his husband "

Kookie nodded listening carefully.. now he know what he have to do

"You are right yeon.. I will try this.. "

Yeon -"kookie.. mom do this work everyday so you have "

Kook-" i know yeon.. I have to do this everyday "

Yeon -" thats like my bunny"

Kook -" from now onwards I will behave like his husband"

Yeon -" fighting "

Kook -" fighting "


Sitting in the living room jungkook was waiting for tae to return home so that they can have their dinner together..

The moment Taehyung enters Jungkook run towards his husband taking the bag from Taehyung's hand and smile

"Welcome hyung how was your day "

Tae - "Why are you still awake you should have sleep"

Tae said sitting in the cough stretching his hand looking tired

Jk -"i was waiting for you hyung "

Tae -" next time dont wait for me Jungkook.. it's not needed"

Jk - "its fine with me hyung.. I can wait for my husband "

Tae first graze at his husband then took the glass of water from jk hand

Tae -" I told you.. you dont have to-"

Jk- (frown )
"Hyung let's have dinner.. you go fresh up i will heat up the food "

Jk said cutting the elder words

why hyung not want me to wait for him..

Tae nodded agreeing.. meanwhile jk heat up the food serving it to his and Tae's plate.. when Tae return he frown looking at the 2 plates and immediately asked if jungkook has eaten or not which of course jk said he was wanted to eat together

Tae was not happy hearing this he didn't wanted younger to starve waiting for him

"Jungkook... I don't have exact time to return home.. depending upon patients and in case of any emergency situation then I can be very late.. or might not return home.. So next time don't wait for me okay "

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