more about characters

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Well speaking about jungkook

He is the only son of his parents who always love him to the dearest , he receive everything he wanted love , affection and everything he wish for as his parents were rich, he never actually face any problem , his parents were there beside him

All his life he is been pampered and love, even his parents still treat him like kid

In some part he also craves for the same affection from Taehyung

He also want Taehyung to love him like his parents do

Always seen his parents lovey dovey , watching all dramas

Is the result he is immature and childish as he never met with real world or face any problems which is also the reason that he believes everything very easily

Which is also a reason that he is unable to handle minimal pressure and tension

He thought his cold husband will melt with time and started loving him as he has seen in many dramas but when he saw nothing happening like this , made him frustrated and upset because of which in part 34 you must have seen him how sad he was

He will improve with time and will have better understanding of the real world

And about Taehyung

He was always a introvert person his father and mother were stuggling to take care of their business because of which in early age he spend less time with them and when everything get stable , he was 5 years old when his mother get pregnant with yeonjun

Because of which he never get his parents full attention, he was always expected to be a big brother of yeonjun and he even transfered to boarding school because his parents were continuously travelling that doesn't mean they don't care of him, they do they makes sure that he have everything but still it can't fulfill the affection he need

Living in the boarding was never easy for him , adjusting himself adopting a whole new environment in young age made him mature before his age

And also this affect his personality as he was always a introvert he couldn't made friends because of which he feel more comfortable in silence and peace not like much talking and interaction

He has always face his problems by himself never took anyone's help

He is very secretive person his privacy is something he always want to maintain and he hates attention ,

He don't care if anyone's dying or anything wrong happening until its affect him or someone who is very close to him or whom he cares

This is what who he is

Many of you have problem with his nature

But he can't help it

All his life he is been alone and suddenly he was propose to married jungkook

One can't expect him to change himself completely

He face problem while expressing himself

He face problem while having conversation and talking

He is expressionless because he never get any chance to share his problem and emotions to anyone

He never learn how to love someone , as he always care about his likings and dislikings

Which put a lot of pressure on himself for accepting someone else..

It was not easy to give jungkook space in his room , his wardrobe
And to give space to someone in his life

But he is trying and learning

He may not expressed but there are many things inside him which he only knows

Everyone think that jungkook is making more affords than Taehyung

Which is right to some extend but one should not ignore the fact that it's easy for jungkook but not for a person like Taehyung

At the end no one is perfect you need to learn and find a better version of yourself

Well iam not justifying anything or any act

Just clarifying both of the characters as it's my story so it's my responsibility to made more understanding about them

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