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Jungkook happily shifted from Taehyung wondering about his husband

He don't even like amusement park

Jungkook sighs well it was not surprising because he know his husband is alien but still he asked

"Hyung, you really don't like amusement parks?"

Taehyung glanced at him and nodded in agreement. Perplexed, Jungkook questioned further,

"But why? I'm sure you must have gone there many times when you were little."

Taehyung's expression turned pensive as he replied,

"I don't know, maybe I was too young to remember."

Jungkook hummed and smiled, reminiscing about his parents. He fondly remembered how his father used to take him, his mom, and himself to the amusement park every Sunday, creating beautiful memories.

Feeling a wave of nostalgia, he expressed,

"You know, hyung, my appa and emmma used to take me there every Sunday. I miss them."

Pouting and missing his loving parents who always fulfilled his every wish, Jungkook felt a sense of longing.

Sensing his sadness, Tae pulled him closer, saying,

"You can visit your parents on Sunday and enjoy time with them."

Jungkook smiled leaned into Tae's chest, explaining,

"Sunday is the only day you have off, and I don't want to miss the chance to be with you."

Tae frowned,
"What's this logic , you should visit them sometimes if not in Sunday then another day"

Jk hummed thinking to make plan as he wrapping his arm around his husband, noticing Tae's uneasy behavior. Concerned, he asked,

"What's wrong?" Jk asked, noticing Tae's troubled expression.

Tae shook his head, trying to dismiss it. "Nothing," he replied.

Jk pouted, insisting,

"Hyung, don't hide it. Tell me what you're thinking."

Tae let out a sigh, turning towards Jk.

"I was just thinking about you," he admitted.

Jk furrowed his brows in confusion. "Me?" he questioned.

Tae nodded.

"Yes, you. You're very lucky to have such wonderful parents."

Jk's frown deepened at Tae's tone.

"You're also lucky, hyung. Your parents are great too," he reminded him.

Tae chuckled, looking aside.
"You're right. I am lucky too,"

Jk pout thinking
Why did hyung reacted like this.

Before he could question further, Tae get up

"I have to leave for work, I'm late," Tae announced.

Jk whined, wondering why Tae wanted to leave so suddenly. He glanced at the clock and realized it was still early.

"Hyungiee... it's too early, stay here," Jk pleaded.

"Don't start again, Jungkook," Tae replied, shaking his head. He tried to move away, but Jk stubbornly backhugged him, refusing to let go.

"Jungkook, let me go to the washroom. I have to leave," Tae requested, trying to pry Jk's arms off of him.

Jk pout reluctantly released his hold while Tae chuckle squeezing his cheeks

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