part 6

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“Sometimes I think I should have engaged yeonjun with jungkook... see them how happy they look"

Tae tightened his grip on his hand in frustration, hearing his mother suggest Yeonjun for Jungkook instead.

Turning to face her, Tae asserted, "Is marriage a joke to you mom."

She retorted, "It’s not joke for me but for you it is, you think by behaving this way you can sustain your marriage no you can never. if you want a happy marriage, you need to work for it."

Tae sighed, questioning, "If you're so disappointed in me, why didnt you, arrange Jungkook's marriage with Yeonjun? Why me?"

His mother explained, "I never wanted your marriage with my bunny. I considered Yeonjun, but Jungkook had a crush on you."

"Jungkook had a crush on me?" Tae questioned, his facial expressions change into astonishment

His mother confirmed, "Yes, Tae. You have to be soft with him; kook is the single child of jeons.. he is been pampered his whole life"

Tae resisted, "I cant do it, I was always like this.. just because he is pampered kid That doesn’t mean iam going to change myself for anyone.. if jungkook want to married me , he have accept the real me. And about happy marriage life.. why only me.. he also have to adjust with me.. right mom, I better advice you not to interfere in our personal matter if he have any problem he can directly tell me"

His mother expressed regret, "I wished Yeonjun married Kookie; he'd keep my baby happy, unlike you."

Tae closed his eyes suppressing his anger..
His own mother was shipping his soon to be husband with his own brother..

His mother warned, "Your behavior will make you regret, Tae."

Tae decided to leave, stating, "If you're done, I'm going."

As Tae turned away, he sought Jungkook and Yeonjun.

Meanwhile with Jungkook and yeonjun

After Mrs. Kim's call, Jungkook looked down, feeling disheartened as he saw Tae heading towards his mother.

Why is he so cold and rude? It's our wedding shopping... is he not interested in it?

Jungkook thought wearing a sad pout.

Observing Jungkook sulking, Yeonjun decided to lighten the mood, saying, "Btw, Kookie..."

"Hmm?" Jungkook responded.

"Don't you want to buy anything else?" Yeonjun smirked.

Jungkook, confused, thought for a moment and replied, "Hmm... no, I don't have to. Why?"

Yeonjun, with a mischievous grin, continued, "No... I thought you wanted something else, you know... first night and all."

Jungkook's eyes widened, exclaiming, "Whatttt... I... Don't... want... anything..."

Yeonjun teased, "Yahhh... stop this shy thing and let's shop something sexy for your honeymoon."

"Stop it, Yeon," Jungkook blushed.

"I am your bestie, idiot. I know you too want it, so come on," Yeonjun insisted.

"I don't think it's needed," Jungkook shyly admitted.

"Really... Listen, Kookie. The person you are marrying is the coldest person, so you have to initiate everything, you know. Don't expect Hyung to do it, or else you're gonna stay a virgin forever," Yeonjun advised.

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