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As yeon and jk have some theories earlier where he always belive that Tae had crush on her and also seeing the way they hate eachother now he already had guess they must be close which can be the reason of him believing her so easily ,

after what suzy said , his innocent mind couldn't digest it Just the thought of it hurt him.

He couldn't accept the fact that Tae had ever kissed and been intimate with someone other than him. It made him doubt himself and wonder if he could ever be as close to Tae as Suzy had been.

he had always dream of his partner who will always love him , to be the first of eachother in everything

but now he couldn't stop imagining Tae and Suzy together, and it made him feel betrayed.

This thing was triggering him that because of this he behave so irrational and call his father as he couldn't handle this

After somtime Mrs. Jeon enters the room and sits next to him, concerned

"kookie what happened baby.. tell me "

Jungkook sniffles and tries to compose himself spilling out everything

"Are you sure, Tae was in a relationship with Suzy , baby I don't think its true , did you asked Tae what he said ?"

"I didn't asked him.. mom.. Suzy told me"

"Kookiee.. and how can you be that sure that suzy was not lying you should atleast confirm it to Taehyung "

Jk shake his head

"But I already know mom , hyung had crush on her and they were a thing "

"If you already know Tae was with her then what happen so suddenly why are you crying now did someyhing happen huh"

Jk:" Hyung.. he.. Suzy told me.. that.. they.. he did so many things with her.. iam not okay with this.. how can he.."

Mrs jeon sighs

"So you are feeling bad because they were physical "

"Yahh .. he.. "

"Shh.. calm down baby.. dont cry you know Emma can't see you like this"

"Its hurts..Emma.. its.."

"I know... its hurts but baby everyone can have a past life right whatever Tae have with Suzy was in past , nothing to do with present-"

Jungkook's tears continue to flow.

"But Mom, he cheated..on me.. how can he kiss her , make love with her..arhh i dont want to think about this"

"Kookie how did he cheated dear, as I said it was his past , at that time he dont even know that he will married you"

Jk cried he know her mother was right, on one hand he was trying to calm down it was past , everyone can have a past life , but still he was not okay

Mrs. Jeon holds Jungkook tightly, providing comfort.

"Kookie look at me.. past is past no one can change it right, think about your present Tae is your husband now you cant be sad thinking about the past"

"You think I overreacted?"

"No you didn't overreacted , anyone would have feel bad but you should have talk to Taehyung baby communication is very important in any relationship if you had already discussed this with Taehyung, perhaps you wouldn't be feeling as hurt as you are now."

Jk nodded looking down

"Kookie if you want your relationship to grow then learn to trust him "

Jk looked up, his confusion evident.

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