State of Attraction

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Several weeks had passed since I started this karate journey of mine. Things seemed to find their rhythm. Once a week I'd train with Daniel.
Sam was very happy with Miguel and they began to spend more time together. Anytime I mentioned Cobra Kai or Miguel was over talking about Johnny, Daniel seemed to be especially quiet, very stiff.

I tried not to think too deeply into it, and I was keeping my two worlds separate. It was hard though, being in training and trying to prevent one style from bleeding into the other.

I was hopeful nonetheless, again my idealistic nature being my tragic flaw. I took comfort in the new October breeze, feeling the freshness wash over me in this new season of my life.

I'm scheduled to work today, and I'm glad, my savings could really use some tender love and care.

I was working with my work bestie, Nicole.

She was hanging around the bar waiting for me as I approached the counter. Her long blonde hair came into view, her hair was in perfect curls as they are every shift.

"Ugh, finally you're here, Aaron is so boring to talk to during my shifts." she said to me

I looked to our curly-headed coworker Aaron, who awkwardly looked at us and got back to his tasks.

"Slow today?" I asked, taking off my jacket and setting down my bag behind the bar.

"Yes. plus that guy is being so annoying. He's totally gonna skimp out on the tip."

I looked over to where she was looking. At the end of the bar sat an old man who I estimate to be in his 70s or so. He didn't look too happy but of course, not many people are coming into Vinny's with a cheerful smile, they're coming in to feel better about their day.

Nicole and I were talking until Terry came up to us.
"I can't have y'all congregatin' here. Get to work!"

"Okay grandpa.." Nicole said under her breath. She always made work fun, and the time would fly by when we worked together. Bothering Terry was a small bonus.

I was wiping down the bar when Nicole came back from serving some tables. She set her tray on the bar and leaned over to me.

"So, what're you going to be for halloween?" She grinned, resting her chin on her hand.

"Oh, I'm not sure actually." I had been so preoccupied with karate that I didn't prepare anything for halloween.

"Well, it's tomorrow. You are still working right? Please don't flake on this shift, I already know its going to get crazy here."

I started to dry the washed glasses as I answered.

"Yeah I'll still be working tomorrow night. I feel like the real party animals won't come down here though. Last year was a fluke."

"You're telling me. I wish I had the Men in Black here to erase my memory of that night."

"As do I." I grinned setting a glass in the cabinet.

"Girls." Terry had come up to us.

"I know, no congregating." Nicole said getting up from leaning on the bar and grabbing her tray to leave.

"Don't go yet Nicole. Y'all know tomorrow's halloween. Well we're gonna be doin' a costume contest this year, so show up in something good. Costume is mandatory for all employees."

"Why are costumes mandatory?"

"Gets people in the spirit. And, it makes for a memorable experience for our guests. Don't forget, theres a contest for best costume."

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