Bette Davis Eyes

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I always found life to be quite serendipitous

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I always found life to be quite serendipitous. At all important timestamps of my life i can point out when there was something that just so happened to work out for me.
Maybe I'm an optimist, I kind of believe in divine timing. I think out there, maybe a helping hand exists, to bring things to fruition that need to live and thrive.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do just yet with my life, maybe I shouldnt rely on omniscient sources to sort it out for me. My current job doesnt really match my rosy outlook on life.
I'm a bartender at a little place called Vinny's in Reseda. I've worked here for a few years now after Uni. I got my bachelor's and suddenly with no competition of my classmates, no thesis being graded and therefore no clear indication of failure, I sort of just took a hiatus from my professional life.

It's actually been nice though. I worry less than I used to and I get to serve my usuals several times a week, and my favourite part is that I get to be my true night owl self. That, and the tips are pretty good.

Getting out of my thoughts, the little bell above the door of the bar rings.
A man with blond hair strides in with a denim jacket, taking off his shades, revealing his face and subsequently a black eye.

He takes a seat at the bar.

"Coors Banquet, thanks." he orders

"Sure." I half smile and grab him a bottle from the fridge, open it and set it in front of him.

At this time of night during the week it isn't very busy, the rest of my usual patrons shuffle out.

I keep myself busy wiping down the bar.

"Rough night?" I ask.

"You don't know the half of it." He takes another swig of his beer.

"I'm sorry to hear that."

He nods

"I hope you can forget about it while you're here."

I pull out a bottle of whiskey from the bar well and pour a shot for him

"I only ordered a coors." he said looking at the small glass

"Its on me." I smiled, and looked into his blue eyes, more depth than almost any ive seen.

He grins and takes it.


"Dont mention it."

I continue my side work of ensuring my well is stocked for tomorrow, and general cleaning and turn up the radio.

REO Speedwagon's "Take it on the Run" was playing. I started nodding my head to the music while working.

I go to the dining area and remove plates from tables and dim the areas lights.
Now only amber lighting at the bar area.

I see the man at the bar drinking his beer and nodding along to the music and singing the chorus to himself.

"I dont believe it not for a minute"

I love seeing people enjoy themselves like this. Even just small things like a throwback song that gets them going

I turn up the dial a little bit more.

I look at him and smile as I sing along.

He grins at me and continues to nod his head and sing the song with me.

I giggle at this simple and pure interaction.

"You know Speedwagon. Didn't think your generation had good taste anymore."

"What can I say, good music is good music. Plus, my dad introduced me to a lot of good music."

"Oh yeah? What else."

"Lots of Joan Jett, Alice Cooper, AC DC, Metallica, just your classic 80s rock staples."

"I like that."

I blush a little.

"What's your name?" I ask him

"Johnny. Yours?"


He nods and drinks.

I smile and continue working.

A while later he finishes his drink and leaves cash and a good tip on the bar.

"See you around." He walks toward the door

"I hope so." I smile

He looks back at me, smirking.

I hope I do see him around.

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