The Voyage of The Dawn Treader Book 4 P4 C. S. Lewis (1950-1954)

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Please do not copy these chapters to any other website, this is a private book for reference to those who write and read and are unfamiliar with the stories since they may not have had access to them. I have no intentions of publishing this publicly at all if you see someone doing that they violate copyright law, you must report them immediately. This is a second edition book in which the stories were reprinted and not the exact original copy from all book set of three books containing every book in the Narnia Series in Chronological order and they made up three big book boxset and I own this set. This is just for me as a reference and private Wattpad only book so that others unfamiliar with these stories may be able to read and catch up even if they do not own the book, do not have access to a computer or wifi for that matter. C. S. Lewis was and is to this day one of my favorite authors. He served in the World Wars and when he got too old to do that he rescued four real children of which Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy are inspired from. So these characters aren't just characters they're more real than any other characters I know. And since I've put up one Christmas story it is only right I should do an even more beloved version. And the way I update this will be out of chronological order this story and the stories that follow will become huge points of cultural learning about Earth and how it works giving young Fairies a big shock in The Problems of Negativix. I will also continue my reference notes and opinions in my special () so that is not just the story, my dear Skylights. -Lumna10.

Chapter 7: How The Adventure Ended

"Look at what?" said Edmund.
"Look at the device on the gold," said Caspian.
"A little hammer with a diamond above it like a star," said Drinian. "Why, I have seen that before."
"Seen it!" said Caspian. "Why, of course you have. It is the sign of a great Narnian house. This is the Lord Octesian's arm ring."
"Villain," said Reepicheep to the dragon, " have you devoured a Narnian lord?" But the dragon shook his head violently.
"Or perhaps," said Lucy, "this is the Lord Octesian, turned into a dragon— under an enchantment , you know."
"It needn't be either," said Edmund. "All dragons collect gold. But I think it's a safe guess that Octesian got no further than this island."
"Are you the Lord Octesian?" said Lucy to the dragon, and then when it sadly shook its head, "Are you someone enchanted— someone human, I mean?"
It nodded violently.
And then someone said — people disputed afterwards whether it was Lucy or Edmund said it first — "You're not— not Eustace by any chance?"
And Eustace nodded his terrible dragon head and thumped his tail in the sea and everyone skipped back (some of the sailors with ejaculations I will not put down in writing) to avoid the enormous and boiling tears which flowed from his eyes.
Lucy tried hard to console him and even screwed up her courage to kiss the scaly face, and nearly everyone said, "Hard luck" and several assured Eustace that they would all stand by him and many said there was sure to be a way of disenchanting him and they'd have him right as rain in a day or two. And of course they were all anxious to hear his story, but he couldn't speak. More than once in the days that followed he attempted to write it for them in the sand. But this never succeeded. In the first place Eustace (having never read the right books) had no idea how to tell a story straight. And for another thing, the dragon muscles and nerves of the dragon-claws he had to use had never learned to write and were not built for writing anyway. As a result he never got nearly to the end before the tide came in and washed all the writing away except for bits that he had trodden on or accidentally swished out with his tail. And all that anyone had seen would be something like this — the dots are for the bits that he smudged out—


It was, however, clear to everyone that Eustace's character had been rather improved by becoming a dragon. He was anxious to help. He flew over the whole island and found it was mountainous and inhabited by only wild goats and droves of wild swine. Of these he brought back many carcasses as provisions for the ship. He was a very humane killer too, for he could dispatch with one blow of his tail so that it didn't know (and presumably still didn't know) it had been killed. He ate a few himself, of course, but always alone, for now that he was a dragon he liked his food raw but he could never bear to let the others see him at his messy meals. And one day, flying slowly and wearily but in great triumph, he bore back to camp a great pine tree which he had torn up by the roots in a distant valley which could be made into a capital mast. And in evening if it turned chilly, as it sometimes did after the heavy rains, he was a comfort to everyone, for the whole party would come and sit with their backs against his hot body and get well warmed and dried; and one puff of his fiery breath would light the most obstinate fire. Sometimes he would take a select party for a fly on his back, so that they could see wheeling below them the green slopes, the rocky heights, the narrow pit-like valleys and far out over the sea to the eastward a spot of darker blue on the blue horizon which might be land.
The pleasure (quite new to him) of being liked and, still more, of liking other people, was what kept Eustace from despair. For it was very dreary being a dragon. He shuddered whenever he caught sight of his own reflection as he few over a mountain lake. He hated the huge batlike wings, the saw-edged ridge on his back, and the cruel, curved claws. He was almost afraid to be alone with himself and yet he was ashamed to be with the others. On Be evenings when he was not being used as a hot-water bottle he would slink away from the camp and lie curled up Ile a snake between the wood and the water. On such occasions, greatly to his surprise, Reepicheep was his most constant comforter. The noble Mouse would creep away from the merry circle at the camp fire and sit down by the dragon's head, well to the windward to be out of the way his smoky breath. There he would explain that what had happened to Eustace was a striking illustration of the turn Fortune's wheel, and that if he had Eustace at his own house in Narnia he (It was really a hole not a house and the dragon's head, let alone his body, would not have fitted in) could show him more than a hundred examples of emperors, kings, dukes, knights, poets, lovers, astronomers, philosophers, and magicians, who had fallen from prosperity into the most distressing circumstances and of whom many had recovered and lived happily ever afterwards. It did not, perhaps, seem so very comforting at the time, but it was kindly meant and Eustace never forgot it.

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