Story 34 Dicussion Time#7The Frog King, The Frog Princess;The Princess&The Frog

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Man! Now That I know This Story The Princess and The Frog By Disney that released in 2009 was exceptionally well done. These two stories were so close in consistency.
Movie favorites: Princess Tiana and the Alligator Louise.
1st Book Favorites: The King and the Prince's servant of The Frog King
2nd Story Book Favorites of The Frog Princess by E. D. Baker: Fang the Snake, I believe he's a grey rat snake.
The Princess Emeralda
The Prince Eadric
Bright Country Eadric's steed
And Last but not least the last three
Aunt Grassina, the Green Witch,
Haywood the Otter, Grassina the Green Witch's love.
and Li'l the pygmy bat.

Pyrix_Fairy Normaniforever4 how surprised were you guys?
SaraKennedy082 SilverOpaline7
The Frog Princess by E. D. Baker for all the twists and turns it took deserves 10 stars it was an exceptionally good story.
I haven't liked a Prince character that well since Florian or Prince Charming in Cinderella II: Dreams Come True and by the way that gives me another clue that in the attic scene we don't actually know what time period Cinderella's mice friends were making that collection of stories with the Fairy Godmother but in the third movie we see The Prince id affected by magic much like Eadric and that's how he can understand the mice friends of Cinderella just like Eadric could understand the toad, the bat and talk to his own horse. When someone gets affected by magic or turned into an animal specifically this comes as an immediate side effect of said incidents and like Grassina tells us it will eventually wear off unless the affected person continues to practice it. I think this is already proven true for mermaids and this is what happened to Eric as well which is why he heard Sebastian voice when he shouldn't have.

I do have one beef with this story though and I'll say it here.
I know I have been sharing The Frog Princess by E. D Baker that is in fact the book which Disney's The Princess and The Frog is based on. It is mostly accurate with the dangers a frog would face in real life.
While otters will eat frogs on occasion especially river otters, but they survive so much more on fish.
Fish are the river otters favorite food source.
They prefer that over everything else and for this reason that is why they are fast swimmers because their main preferred prey is also pretty fish. Think about it I bet you know plenty of common river fish that really speed upstream or down stream.
So when Prince Eadric claims Frogs are Otters favorite food this is not accurate to the real life world of otters. I don't think it's that true for sea otters either.

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I just wanted to make sure that what Eadric is saying is a false generalization river otters prefer fish over anything else and honestly it is what their streamlined bodies were design to catch most of the time

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I just wanted to make sure that what Eadric is saying is a false generalization river otters prefer fish over anything else and honestly it is what their streamlined bodies were design to catch most of the time.
4 chapters left in this idiom book.
SilverOpaline7 SaraKennedy082 Normaniforever4 in The Frog Princess Story I just finished uploading Eadric makes a claim that several "predators including otters river otters enjoy frogs as their favorite food." this inacurrately false river otters eat mostly fish snd frog is the fourth choice of their diet and fish is their favorite food. They can often be seen following salmon runs long distances. An otter is built for catching fish over most other animals

The Princess and The Frog Movie is at 9 stars for me now that I know the version of the story it was based upon it would have been 10 stars too if Fang and his girlfriend could have made some sort of  cameo or the Otter and the Aunt of the Princess also made cameos I mean why not. They were both such cutesy moments honestly.

Fang and Clarisse are both Eastern North Carolina Rat Snakes found around the Coastal Areas of North Carolina. They have three black stripes on their back on a gray back and a green under belly. Rat snakes are apparently constrictors which I never been told before ever in my life not even by several kid science books I have ever seen.

Proof below here from this video....

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