Story 40: Jack and the Beanstalk The Spanish Version 2

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Jack and the Beanstalk adapted by Anne McKie from the original story

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Jack and the Beanstalk adapted by Anne McKie from the original story.

This is the story of a young boy named Jack who lived in a tumble-down cottage with his Mother.
They were so poor they had barely enough money for food. One day, Jack's mother found to her despair that they had no money left at all - not even one penny.

"There is only one thing left to do," sighed
Jack's mother, "we must sell our cow Buttercup, as she is the only thing we have left in the world."
So Jack promised to go to market the following day to sell Buttercup for as much money as he could.

"So Jack promised to go to market the following day to sell Buttercup for as much money as he could

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Early next morning before it was light, Jack left for market. He crept out of the house while his mother was still asleep. She was very fond of the cow and would have found it hard to say goodbye.

Jack hadn't gone very far along the road before he met a pedlar.
"I will buy your cow in exchange for these five magic beans, " the stranger said as he held out his hand. "Plant them and you will grow rich."
Young Jack couldn't resist. He gave Buttercup to the pedlar, grabbed the magic beans, and ran home to tell his mother.

 He gave Buttercup to the pedlar, grabbed the magic beans, and ran home to tell his mother

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She was rather surprised to see him back from
market so soon. When she heard about the magic beans, she was so angry she tossed them out of the window. And poor silly Jack was sent to bed without any supper.
The next morning dawned dark and gloomy.
Jack jumped out of bed and looked out of the window
The sky above was dark - not with clouds - but with giant green leaves! To Jack's amazement the magic beans had grown in the night. They were so tall, they covered the tiny cottage and disappeared up into the sky.

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