Story 22: The Princess and The Frog Disney Transcript

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This is the last comparable Disney storyline from here on out no majorly favorited cartoon is comparable none of the most famous ones anyways. Have fun reading this though, Skylights.

Evening star is shining bright, So make a wish and hold on tight, There's magic in the air tonight, And anything can happen.♪

Tiana's mother Eudora: (She's reading a book.) Just in that moment, the ugly little frog looked up with his sad, round eyes and pleaded: "Oh, please, dear princess, Only a kiss from you can break this terrible spell, that was inflicted on me by a wicked witch".

Charlotte La Bouff: [whisper] There comes my favorite part.

Eudora: And the beautiful princess was so moved by his desperate plea, that she stooped down, picked up the slippery creature, leaned forward, raised him to her lips, and kissed that little frog. Than the frog was transformed into a handsome prince. They were married and lived happily ever after. The end.

Charlotte: Yay! Read it again, read it again!

Eudora: Sorry Charlotte, it's time for us to be headin' home. Say good night, Tiana.

Tiana: There is no way, in this whole wide world... I would ever, ever, ever I mean never kiss a frog. Yuck!

Is that so?

Here comes your prince charming, Tia.

Come on, kiss.

- No!

Yes, Yes!

- Stop it!

- I won't, I won't, I won't!

- I would do it. I would kiss a frog. I would kiss a hundred frogs, if I could marry a prince and be a princess. You girls, stop tormentin' that poor little kitty. Poor little thing.

- Evenin' Eudora!

- Daddy, Daddy, look at my new dress.

- Isn't it pretty?

- Hah,hah, look at you. Why, I'd expect nothin' less from the finest seamstress in New Orleans. Uuh, I want that there. - Oh, no sugar come on.

- I want that one.

- Please, please, please, please!

- Eudora. You suppose you can web something up like that?

- Anything for my best customer.

- Yeah! Come along, Tiana. Your Dad should be home from work by now. Aah, now princess, you gettin' that drift but that's it. No more Mr. Pushover. - Now who wants a puppy?

- I do! I do! He's so cute! Mmm, gumbo smells good Tiana.

- I think it's done, Daddy.

- Yeah. Are you sure?

-Mm-hmm. - Absolutely positive?

- Yes! Okay, I'm about to put this spoon in my ... -Wait!

-Done. - What? - Well, sweetheart ... This is the... The best gumbo I've ever tasted. Come here. Eudora, our little girl's got a gift. - I coulda have told you that. - A gift this special just gotta be shared. Hey everybody I made gumbo. Uuuh, that's smells good You know the thing about good food? It brings folks together from all walks of life. It warms them right up and it puts little smiles on their faces. And when I open up my own restaurant, I tell you, people are gonna lined up for miles around, just to get a taste of my food. - Our food! - That's right, baby. Our food. - Daddy, look.

- Where're you goin'? Charlotte's faity tale book said, if you make a wish on evening star it shoulda come true.

- Hmmh, won't you wish on that star, sweetheart? - Yes, you wish and you dream with all your little heart. But you remember dear Anawet, that old star can only take you part of a way. You got to help him with some hard work of your own. And then... Yeah you can do anything you said you mind to. Just promise your Daddy one thing? That you'll never, ever lose sign what is really important. Okay? See you in the morning, baby cakes. Get some sleep. Please, please, please.
Sometime later, Tiana grew up and began working.
"Well Miss Tiana rough night for tips but every little penny counts." She talks to herself. "Don't you worry, Daddy ... We'll be there soon."

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