Little Red Cap Published By Brothers' Grimm 1812 P2/P2

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When the wolf had stilled his hunger, he got back into bed, fell asleep, and began to snore very loud. A hunter was just passing, and he thought: "How, the old woman is snoring! I'd better go and see what's wrong." So he stepped into the house and went over to the bed and saw the wolf was in it. "You old sinner!" he said, "I've found you at last. It's been a long time." He leveled his musket and was just about to fire when it occurred to him that the wolf might have swallowed the grandmother and that there might still be a chance of saving her. So instead of firing, he took a pair of scissors and started cutting the sleeping wolf's belly open. After two snips, he saw the little red cap, and after another few snips the little girl jumped out, crying: "Ih, I've been so afraid! It was so dark inside rge wolf!"
And then the old grandmother came out, and she was still alive, though she could hardly breathe. Little Red Cap ran outside and brought big stones, and they filled the wolf's belly with them. When he woke  up, he wanted to run away, but the stones were so heavy that his legs wouldn't carry him and he fell down dead.
All three were happy; the hunter skinned the wolf and went home with the skin, the grandmother ate the cake and drank the wine Little Red Cap had brought her and soon got well; and as for Little Red Cap, she said to herself: "Never again will I leave the path and run off into the wood when my Mother tells me not to."

Another story they tell is that when Little Red Cap was taking another cake to her old grandmother another wolf spoke to her and tried to make her leave the path. But Little Red Cap was on her guard. She kept on going, and when she got to her grandmother's she told her how she had met a wolf who had bidden her her good day but given her such a wicked look that "if it hadn't been on the open road he'd have gobbled me right up." "Well, then," said the grandmother, "we'll just lock the door and he won't be able to get in."
In a little while the wolf knocked and called: "Open the door, grandmother, it's Little Red Cap. I've brought you some cake." But they didn't say a word and  open the door. So Grayhead circled the house once or twice and finally jumped on the roof. His plan was to wait to until evening when Little Red Cape would go home, and then he'd creep after her and gobble her up in the darkness. But the grandmother guessed what he had in mind. There was a big stone trough in front of the house, and she said to the child: "Here's a bucket, Little Red Cap. I cooked some sausages yesterday. Take the water I could them in and empty it into the trough." Little Red Cap carried the water until the big trough was full. The smell of the sausages rose up to the wolf's nostrils. He sniffed and looked down, and he stuck his neck out so far that he couldn't keep his footing and began to slide. And he slid off the roof and straight into the big trough and was drowned. And Little Red Cap went happily home and no one harmed her.

Scientifically impossible fact Wolves cannot climb roof or ladders this is inaccurate both in this story, The Three Little Pigs and in Free Spirit's tv show special the ladder would have to be a step ladder mimicking a stair well or the object is way too slanted up for a wolf to grip onto. And as you see from this story there is way more than one Big Bad Wolf character that has a chance to try to do their worst. Red Riding Hood version in Into The Woods is spot on except for the tools used to end the wolf, again this story what the what does is in real life scientifically impossible and far from likely to happen to anyone in real life, Skylights. Also animals do not eat other animals' hair on their bodies, people. This is the finale of this version of the story so you know there are three generations. Red, Redda's Mother had Red as the first daughter and Haely as the second daughter and it is from that second daughter our beloved Ramoana and Cerise come two generations later as her older sister is killed by a wolf along with her grandmother in my Ever After High story book according to the first version we came across a chapter ago my beautiful friends.

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