Story 63:Life&Adventuresof SantaClaus-ManhoodP2(1902)LFrankBaumP7

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There will be no more interchanging between this story and Old Bear Stories by Jane Hissey. Please do not copy these chapters to any other website, this is a private book for reference to those who write and read and are unfamiliar with the stories since they may not have had access to them. I have no intentions of publishing this publicly at all if you see someone doing that they violate copyright law, you must report them immediately. This is a second edition book in which the stories were reprinted and not the exact original copy from 1902 "The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus published in 1902 two years after his famous "The Wizard of Oz" book in 1900. This is for only educational purposes and social awareness only for those who do not have the capability of reading any story because they simply cannot purchase it or have no access to computers or wifi as it is very much a fairytale fantasy index book for me to keep track of all actual factual story mentions to help me work and prepare my own stories. And this story speaks a lot to me as a Christian and I will point out all references as I have been doing throughout the other books in my special () followed by my name as well friends.-Lumna10

"Manhood" P2

(Chapter 11) Chapter 4: How Little Mayrie Became Frightened"
(Chapter 12): Chapter 5: How Bessie Blithesome Came to the Laughing Valley
(Chapter 13): Chapter 6-The Wickedness of the Awgwas
All three of these chapters are contained within this here chapter-Lumna10

The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus


(Chapter 11) Chapter 4: How Little Mayrie Became Frightened"

The Winter was over now, and all the Laughing Valley was filled with joyous excitement. The brook was so happy at being free once again that it gurgled more boisterously than ever and dashed so recklessly against the rocks that it sent showers of spray high in the air. The grass thrust its sharp blades upwards through the mat of dead stalks where it had hidden from the snow, but the flowers were too timid to show themselves, although the Ryls were busy feeding their roots. The sun was in remarkably good humor, and dancing merrily throughout the Valley.

Claus was eating his dinner one day when he heard a timid knock on his door.

"Come in!" he called.

No one entered, but after a pause came another rapping.

Claus jumped up and threw open the door. Before him stood a small girl holding a smaller brother fast by the hand.

"Is you Tlaus?" she asked, shyly.

"Indeed I am, my dear!" he answered, with a laugh, as he caught both children in his arms and kissed them. "You are very welcome, and you have come just in time to share my dinner."

He took them to the table and fed them with fresh milk and nut-cakes. When they had eaten enough he asked:

"Why have you made this long journey to see me?"

"I wants a tat!" replied little Mayrie; and her brother, who had not yet learned to speak many words, nodded his head and exclaimed like an echo: "Tat!"

"oh, you want my toy cats, do you?" returned Claus, greatly pleased to discover his creations were so popular with children.

The little visitors nodded eagerly.
"Unfortunately," he continued, «I have but one cat now ready, for I carried two to children the town yesterday. And the one I have shall be given to your brother, Mayrie, because he is the smaller; and the next one I make shall be for you."
The boy's face was bright with smiles as he cook the precious toy Claus held out to him; but little Mayrie covered her face with her arm and began to sob grievously.
"I _I wants a t-_t--tat now! " she

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