Season 1 Epilogue

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A Being Not unlike Mr. Birdie sat monitoring room as she oversaw the activities of the Station. She had seen the news about that man from another universe having kidnapped a JSDF soldier and abduct a princess.

She then grinned as rows of needle like teeth glinted in the light from the screen. She could make a killing off of this development. Turning to a boy, she said, "Lavsa. Be a dear and get my coat. I see an opportunity to improve my place in the enforcement rankings. There seems to be rogue players present in the multiverse, and from the look of things, this is going to bring in a lot of that Sweet sweet value chips."

"You're going to terminate them?"

"Now where is the fun in that? It's just been to long since I had a bunch of new toys to make scream," said the female as she emitted cackling giggle.


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