Chapter 7

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Author's note: if you've read this far, I do thank you for your interest. It was quite the experience seeing this go from #1 to #571 (Still wondering what the heck happened). To explain the gap in publishing rates, I am working on my first Entry into the Werewolf Genre in my newest book, the Wolf and the Enforcer| Phantom Empire. (Which I highly recommend)

I often work day and night on my stories, which is why they come out at such rapid rates. But in case you don't know, this story is my very own take on if I wrote the anime Gate. I don't own that anime of course, but it seems you guys are liking this story thus far.

While Gate isn't mine, the Alaskan Republic universe is. I made that and I can promise future original works with our favorite boy Claus. Without further Ado, we resume where we leave off.


"Who's that?" Asked Snino as the the group of the JSDF vehicles entered Italica and saw someone riding a bicycle where this world shouldn't even have them.

"No clue," Said Itami as they stopped.

It was at this moment that Shino got out and confronted Claus and said to him in Japanese, "Who are you?!"

"Ĉu Kion?" Claus asked as he said, "Mi ne konas vian lingvon ke uzas."

"Huh?" Asked Shino as the others walked up to Claus.

Claus decided to use English this time as he said, "Excuse me, Ma'am, but I am afraid I have no clue what you're saying to me."

Itami walked up and asked in English, "I don't seem to have seen you around before. Who might you be exactly?"

"Ah. My manners. Second Lieutenant Claus Nosredna ARMC of the Alaskan Republic Fifth Naval Advanced Recon. A pleasure to make your acquaintance," Answered

"Alaskan Republic?" Asked Shino, "What on Earth even is that?"

"And I should be asking why I'm seeing JSDF personnel when it's to the best of my understanding that you guys shouldn't even be around where I am from. And if you don't mind me asking Ma'am," Claus turned to Shino and said, "But is it standard JSDF to be out of line and composing yourself in way unbecoming of any military personnel, or that's just how it's done wherever you are from."

"I still don't see how there can be a country called the Alaskan Republic," said Itami.

With a stern expression, Claus said, "It has been a country since the year 2027. It's currently the year 2039 where I am from, Sir. As for your Japan, it ceased being a country by the year 2026 when the Nukes fell and it became a holding of the DPRK. So given it seems we're both from nations that quote on quote, 'don't exist,' I guess that makes us even."

"I think we better sit and talk," said Itami

Seeing Pina show up, Claus said to her, "Ah, your highness. Perfect timing."


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