Chapter 5

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Alexson told the operator of the recon blimp to continue shadowing the recon column of three vehicles. Whoever these guys were, they weren't Alaskan. It was at this moment that a soldier came up and showed the flashcards IDing the three as he said to her, "Ma'am. The force seen here is JSDF with their equipment being a Toyota HMV, a Komatsu LAV, and a Type 73 Light Truck."

"The Japanese don't really have any such equipment any longer," said Alexson, "So how the hell am I seeing what's on that video screen?"

"Unknown, Ma'am," said the soldier with the flashcards.

"Well keep shadowing them," ordered Alexson as she said, "I'll need to have Claus investigate this further once we learn all we could from the blimp."

"Yes, Ma'am."


Pina co Lada watched this Claus with great interest. He or she as she was unsure of Claus' gender due to his voice sounding a bit female, treated her as expected, but unlike others Pina co Lada had met, this Claus didn't have the same baggage of wanting something from her. The language she heard Claus speak with something different from anything found in the world.

It was at this moment she and her knights smelled the smell of food cooking as she witnessed them starting to cook food. Her knights began wondering what exactly it was being prepared. She then saw Claus starting to unmask. She expected someone of perfection, but what she saw instead was that man who was slightly effeminate, and his a ruined face that look like something had torn it off, and some healer had scammed him out of doing a job by simply putting it back on.

She rushed over and said "Claus! Your..." Claus paused as Capriol told him.

"Oh, this? It's just a momento a got from doing my duty. If you don't mind, I wish to be left alone," said Claus and he walked off some ways and got out a metal container. Pouring a black liquid into a cup, Clause begin to drink it as he face molded into a thousand yard stare as his mouth twisted into a frown.

Pina co Lada frowned herself upon seeing him like that. What had happened to him? She'd met soldiers before, and she knew that look on one's face all too well. The look of a soldier who had nothing more to lose. And she knew better than to ask details about it.

As for Claus, he had been thinking about the war. He'd lost his mother and two brothers in a nuclear attack in the states. Several years after, his father and grandparents passed away from old age. As for their residences, he didn't have the heart to sell them off being those houses were the only things he had left of his father and grandparents, so he rented the room he lived in to his girlfriend prior to moving to Whittier.

However, Pina co Lada didn't know any of this. It was at this moment she saw Claus walk over to one of the strange two wheeled carts and began checking it over as well as applying something to parts of it. She then saw one of her subordinates walking over to Claus to see what he was doing. Capriol told the female knight, which Pina co Lada heard said that the strange Two wheeled cart was called a bicycle, and was used to move around by doing nothing more than turning a crank of pedals using one's feet.

This excited the female knight. It was clear she was flirting with Claus by what her body language was saying. Not today, said Pina co Lada to herself. To her relief, a soldier walked up to Claus and said, "Sir. The iron lady has issued us movement orders."

"Really? What for?"

"A recon blimp found something and she wants us in the same areas of it until more is found out."

"Tell everyone to pack up. I know better that to disobey her."

"Yes, sir."


Itami could see that same spec had been moving with their convoy. Stopping the group, he produced a pair of binoculars, and got a closer look at it. It was an disk shaped object. Shino Then walked up and asked, "Why have we stopped?"

"Something has been following us."

It was then a telescope was produced, and they got a good look at it. "Sir. Looks like it's an aircraft. Haven't seen anything like it before. Um, it's starting to leave. It knows we're down here."


"FEKA!" said the Blimp operator, " Position compromised, Ma'am! They spotted the platform!"

"Was bound to happen sooner or later," said Alexson as she said, "Withdraw. Looks like it's now up to Claus and his crew."


Claus and his crew started packing as Cooper said, "What of the Elf, sir?"

"She'll coming with us. What's her condition?"

"She's conscious, sir and in good condition."

"She'll ride in the supply cart," said Clause as he went to see her. Masking up, he entered the house as said, "Ma'am it's time to come with us."

The young female elf nodded and came with Claus as she thanked him for saving her. Claus said he was only doing his duty and she was led to the cart.

They were met up with Pina co Lada and her Eleven knights. When she asked Claus about where they were going. Claus said they had movement orders. And with that, she offered to ride along with Claus' group, which as she found out was in the same direction they were going----to where the Soldiers in green were.


Alnus hill

General Hazama received a report plus a digital photo of the strange blimp. "Seems we're not the only ones in the special region," he said looking at the report and photo.

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