Chapter 3

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It had been a bit of an event for the empire having found two gates instead of the one on Allnus hill. The imperial army camped as soldiers took the watch. This particular gate was near the cost at least several hundred leagues from the one on Allnus hill. As a result, they received a better quality of supply. An army had been sent through at least two days before, but they simply never returned to tell the tale of any grate victories. The soldiers then exclaimed in surprise as a group of small metal beasts came through the gate. there were no more than nine in number of them.

It waas a t this moment that the beasts began roaming over to the men who cautiously backed away from them, hands on the hilts of their swords as they witnessed the beast come to a halt. these beasts looked more akin to a cart that somehow magically moved up to them without the need of a man nor horse. A hissing sound then began from the nine beasts as the soldiers began sounding the alarm as from their perspective, their brothers in arms began transforming into monsters which turning to their training, proceeded too attack. the General who also was caught under the spell of this began killing the monsters.

unknown to the Saderan troops however, they had become victims in a chemical attack by tracked drones carrying each an methamphetamine aerosol machine. After that, it was only a matter of the ARA and ARMC forces waiting for the drug to wear off then rounding up survivors. The Saderans never stood a chance. It was a quick and efficient site clearing operation.


Nosredna and Alexson went over the briefing about his upcoming deployment behind enemy lines in the empire. Nosredna himself held a gritted contempt for Alexson. How she and her toadies did all possible to screw him over and deny him any enjoyment of life. All because he rushing to work upsetted car full of three bimbos twenty years back, and that these three bimbos' made up hogwash about him enraged some very powerful people. Alexson was among this coalition.

Of course, it stopped mattering once the nukes fell. Although Alexson took great pleasure in her job as Claus' Handler on mission. As for Claus, he still held contempt for Alexson and her bimbo brigade or what he called them at the time, Uncle Sam's Flying Circus.

Unknown to Claus at that point in time was the fact that Alaxson was one of those investigating him at the time. Even though she eventually discovered the hogwash was just that, she still was elated once she learned Clause would be kissing her butt for the remainder of his military carrier---however long. She enjoyed seeing the look on his face having no choice but saying, 'Yes, ma'am,' to her.

At this point in time, both Claus and Alexson were having supper. It was also revealed to Clause a Catholic priest from Vatican city would be accompanying them on their deployment as an interpreter given Latin was the official language of the Saderan Empire. Claus was told to not make any unnecessary contact with the indigenous population in case they carried pathogens unknown to Earth. As such, any contact with the local populace would be done while masked with half face Respirators and eye protection.

Claus himself was around 46 years of age at this point and looked Hardened. His Hazel eyes always scanning, even in the relative safety of the base. He of course also had disfigurement to his face after being caught in the impact site of a Chinese 5 inch HE shell impacting where he had been stationed on the Kodiak. Half his face on the left side had been blown off, however, the navy Surgeons had been able to sow and staple his face right back on. Claus had been quite handsome before then, and while he retained his good looks, the disfigurement and scarring made him look even hotter than he was before as Alexson saw it. It also made his left eye slightly more Dilated than his right.

After Supper and his briefing, Claus was dismissed and he went out to tour the halls of the base as he listened to music on his smartphone. After hours of this and doing more writing on his phone, Claus retired for the night.

The next morning at 09:00, Claus arrived to the group of seven. He saw a man about his age dressed in protective gear as Dickerson made small talk with him. Already construction vehicles were rolling through the gate. Looking at his team, he saw they like himself had their bicycles ready.

"Good morning, people," Claus said, "Alexson told me to tell all of you fine folks that we are to be discreet as possible once we cross that gate. This goes for you, Dickerson, knowing you're the extravert among us. As much as you would like to make friends with new people we'll happen across, under no account are we to engage with the local indigenous. There's a good chance they'd be carrying new types of illnesses the human race is not used to and I am not about to have ANY of the eight of us become a patient Zero for some alien disease. Is that clear?!"

"YES, SIR!" said Claus' team.

Nodding, Claus said, "Now that we have an understanding, everyone and everything is to be treated as hostile. Superpowers called magic are reported to be a thing in this world, so everything both four and two legged is to be considered armed and dangerous. I don't care if it's an old man, some old hag,  some broad with her loins-spawns in tow, or some sod in a wheelchair. Everyone you see is to be considered a threat."


"Yes, Corporal."

"Surely you're not saying we should cut down children."

"I am not at all implying that, Corporal," answered Claus, "But included in our loadout is less than lethal ammunition. Will knock the wind out of you, and sting like nothing else, but if it makes any of you pansies like Everts here feel any better, we won't fire unless it becomes clear hostile intent is implied by the locals or we come under attack. Does that answer your question, Everts?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good!" Barked Claus as he said, "And another thing, people. No drinking the water from streams or rivers without boiling, and under no account sample the local cuisine. These are aliens, and it's a good chance what they find edible can be deadly to humans eating it. And before you worry about our food, we'll be resupplied by airdrop. Any more questions people?!"

"Do we get to blow something up or shoot ET."

"Only as a last resort, private. Anyone else?"

"When do we leave, sir?"

"When Alexson gets here."

There was excitement from Claus' soldiers. Minutes later, Alexson arrived. And the nine of them entered the gate.


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