Chapter 9

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Alexson looked out at the setting sun of t the different world. The last month had seen a lot of progress. there was a dual lined rail line and road combo that led through the gate as the horn of an arriving train blared throughout the settlement that had been named FOB Greenbelt. The airship hanger that her been erected a week prior had seen three airships based. Currently, one of them had just returned from a recon flight. With the Saderans lacking any aircraft of their own, the airships were able to fly over the continent unopposed. There were of course efforts by the dragon riders, but these were easily dealt with be microwave based deterrent systems. The same that had been set in the base's defense grid. These worked wonders in stopping Sadaran scouts from checking in on the base itself.

It was at this moment that a subordinate informed her of the situation brewing at Italica. Heading to the airship, she said, "Captain. Load in the anti-mobility ground agent and prepare the loud speakers to play one very special song. Nosredna has requested aid. As soon as you're refueled, we are departing."

"Yes Ma'am."


Claus was informed that an Airship and GTU-1s were on their way. Going to Itami, he told him that help was on it's way. To this he asked, "How is that going to stop an army?"

"That's going to be a surprise," said Claus as he smirked and said, "While we're not going to fire a single shot, trust me when I say that in about several hours, these bandits are going to surrender on their own accord." Turning to Pina, Claus asked her, "Your highness? how long until the bandits arrive?"

"Last i heard, should be in a couple of hours. You can't expect us to hold out against an army."

"Perfect," said Claus.

"Baka," said Shino.

"Ma'am? Is their issue with what i have planned?"

"I will have to agree with the princess. What reinforcements are coming anyway?"

"An airship and a dozen biplanes. Why do you ask?"

Shino face palmed as she said, "We're so screwed."

"Don't be so sure," said Claus, "They're bringing something special for the bandits. Just you wait and see."


And right on schedual, Pina and the the soldiers were informed that the enemy force had arrived. It was also at this moment everyone perked up as they heard the drone of oncoming aircraft. "Seems our help is here," said Claus as Pina looked in astonishment at the aircraft. "It's just a phase, your highness. You'll get over it with those flying coffins soon enough."

"They're dropping a liquid," said one of Itami's men as the watched the biplanes drop a pink liquid over the army of bandits. The air was then filled with cursing and profanities as the army of bandits were simply stopped in thier tracks as the lot of them all lost their footing and couldn't move. the fluid covered the ground for hundreds of feet in any direction around the army of bandits. "They're immobilized the same soldier told Itami as their saw the shape of a thousand foot dirigible make it's way over the enemy force.

Everyone in town was blown away by the majestic sight of the gigantic aircraft moving slowly, then stopping midair. There was a crackling from loudspeaker as a song started to play. It was a song by lamb chop called, 'the song that never ends,' and like its title, it was made to be played on loop. the Alaskan Republic intelligence officers used this very song for the purpose on enhance interrogation of war criminals, and for that it worked exceptionally well.

(Author's note. Don't listen to this song whatever you do. It's not going to be a fun experience given this is a children's song so annoying, it's rated as one of the worst songs ever. Yeah, these poor bandits are not in for a good time. But if you wish to have your ears violated, feel free to look up that song. just don't come crying to me if you scar your brain.)

as the song played Luara said, "You didn't."

"It was my idea to use this song in our enhance interrogations. Had to use something because people like you are too soft on hardened war criminals." As the song played, the cursing and profanities from the bandits ceased, and as the minutes turned to hours, the bandits were beginning to scream while some begged for mercy. After 12 Hours, the Airship announced to the Bandits in Latin: -ATTENTION ENEMY FORCE. SURRENDER, UNLESS YOU WOULD LIKE THE SONG TO CONTINUE FOR ANOTHER GO. YOU HAVE UNTIL THE COUNT TO TEN TO SURRENDER. ONE! TWO!

"WE SURRENDER! JUST MAKE THE HELLISH MUSIC STOP!" they all said. The Battle of Italica was over.

When the leader of the bandits asked if they'd be sold into slavery, they only saw a horrified look of disbelief on the face of the soldier as he said, "We don't doo that. We'll be giving you proper food, hydration, and housing according to your rank, and if needed, medical care. You have rights." And to this, the bandit looked shocked as if he couldn't believe what he just heard.

Alexson frowned as she heard of the news. 'What on earth have these people gone through?' she asked herself. Entering the city, she met up with Claus and said, "looks like you've been quite busy."

"You could say that, ma'am."

Seeing Itami, Alexson turned to Claus as she asked, "What's their story?"

"I think it's best we sit down somewhere," answered Claus.

"Claus!" Said a familiar voice.

"Eliza!" Exclaimed Claus as a Women wearing the same kind of uniform as Claus in her mid forties strode up to him.

"You didn't tell me you were on deployment again," she said as she hugged him and said, "I was so worried about you."

"Sorry," said Claus, "I forgot."

Pina and Beefeater were stunned as they asked Laura, "Excuse me, but who is that?"

"Oh, it's you, your highness. That there is Claus' girlfriend," she answered and said, "And she's worse than he is."

Hearing this, everyone was agape as they saw the couple leave to take time for themselves as everyone began to bombard Laura with questions.


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