Chapter 2.

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Come on, come on. How can a university this big not have one quiet, secluded spot. I thought to myself as I flew above campus looking for a safe zone to revert back. Finally giving up on searching I decided to land in a park nearby campus. As far as I know, no one is gonna' be occupying the entire park at this hour on a weekday.

Time's running out, gotta' make a landing soon. You've still got a 5 minute walk to your class.

 Finally settling down in a quiet spot, way off the jogging path, I shut my beady bird eyes and inhale again. 'Here we go again', as I feel my body began to stretch and expand as the noises of bones expanding and tissue growing become audible. My arms begin to feel like normal human arms again as I move my fingers about while the rest of my body keeps up with the change.

 I take in one deep final breath as I feel my beak melt and retract into my face before separating and the familiar sensations of having a nose and a mouth as two separate parts of my body begin to seep in. Upon completion, I scramble to my feet and quickly open the backpack to empty out my underwear, a pair of jeans, a grey T-shirt and a pair of white sneakers. So much for looking good on your first day.


Tobias's POV

  I never liked first days. Be it day one of junior high, high school, college and now university. It's always undeniably horrible as new faces size each other up and soon-to-be cliques start to form. I'd rather keep to myself and hope for the best. Try my best not to stand out too much and at the same time not fade into the background. Since when does life become so difficult?

So here I am. Orientation. Dreaded day one of university. I'm seated in the lecture hall in an obscure spot as to not attract any unnecessary attention, to my right is a guy who seems decent enough. He's not dressed weird or anything, just casual. To my left, an empty seat.

"Hi, I'm Tobias.", I stutter as I hold my hand out.

"James, nice to meet you. Cool name, by the way", he shakes my hand. First potential friend on campus.

"Thanks. So, what are you studying?". Now why does this feel like I'm trying to come on to him?

"First year in mechanical engineering. Yourself?".

"Uhm, final year. Sports science.".

"Final year?", he asks, clearly surprised.

"Shit, sorry first year. I don't know why, yeah, final year. Sorry, I'm in my first year. Sports science", I replied, not wanting to continue the conversation. Way to go to look like an illiterate idiot on day one, Tobias.

Then she walked in. OK, I'm not one to get easily attracted to girls but this particular one. Dressed in nothing but a T-shirt, jeans and sneakers. Low profile. Not a hint of arrogance yet with the looks of a typical airheaded cheerleader - dirty blonde hair, pale blue eyes, hourglass figure beneath that slightly baggy shirt and those-

"Is this seat taken?"

A rush of warmth spreads through my body and at the same time my face goes cold. You know that feeling when someone catches you doing something embarrassing? That split second when you realize you're caught and you don't know how to react? Yeah.

"Sorry?", I croaked.

"Is. This seat. Taken?", she repeats slowly and it was then when I realized that she wasn't from around here. That accent.

"Uhm, yes, you may. I mean, no. No, it's not taken", I blabbered.

James was now looking over at me with a worried look when he noticed what was going on. Great, sandwiched between two people who think I'm an absolute retard.

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