Chapter 11. President of Student Council

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Pov: ???? 


"Next fighter!!! Shinsei!!! Kyotoooo Nightmaaare!!!"

After the contestants were announced, two masked men entered the ring. Because of the masks, no one knew their real identity.

"The rules are simple. The fight will only end when the opponent is unconscious or doesn't surrender himself. And now the fight."



Pov: Tsuneo

The next day, after school, Sudo came to me asking me to help him with his studies. I only explained the humanities to him, since calculating parabolas and stuff like that is not my cup of tea.

When we finished, it was already dark and I went outside and saw Kiyo-bro walking somewhere.

I was curious, so I followed him as I noticed the student council president.


Pov: Kiyotaka

Looking around, Horikita walked out of the dormitory building. As she disappeared into the darkness, I followed for some reason.

As I walked, I felt like someone was watching, but the watcher was somewhere far behind me.

I had to hide again, barely rounding the corner. Horikita stopped. There was someone else's silhouette there.

- Suzune. I didn't think you'd follow me here.

She came out this late to meet a guy.

- Come on, I'm not the useless girl you remember, brother. I got in to catch up with you.

- Heh, to catch up with me...

Brother? I couldn't see her face, but it looks like it's Horikita's older brother.

- I heard you're in class D. Nothing has changed in the last three years. By constantly following me, you're completely unable to see your own shortcomings. Choosing to go to this school is another mistake you made.

- That's not true! I'll get to A-level, and then...

- Impossible, you'll never make it. Your class is falling apart. This school is not that easy.

- I'll definitely... definitely get to A class...

- I told you it's impossible, stupid little sister," Horikita's brother stepped forward, allowing me to get a better look at him from my hiding place.

It really turned out to be the student council president. His face expressed nothing, as if he was looking at something completely uninteresting.

Suddenly, grabbing his sister's wrist, he pinned her against the wall.

- No matter how much I try to avoid you, you're my little sister. If people find out about you, I'll be disgraced. So get out now!

- No... I'll definitely go up to grade A!

- Idiocy! Do you want to relive the painful moments of the past?

- Brother... I...

- You don't have the strength or training to make it to Class A, understand that!

Horikita's body rushed forward as if she wanted to take the initiative in the fight. The situation became heated.

Sensing the president's intentions, I jumped out of my hiding place and intercepted his arm.

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