Chapter 5. School Life II. Clubs

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Pov: Kyosei Tsuneo.

While I was on my way to the club expo, I met up with Manabe and her group.

- Yo, Manabe. - I greeted her.

- Hi Kyosei. And you didn't forget anyone? - she said.

- Oya, I forgot to greet you. I'm Kyosei Tsuneo, nice to meet you Yamashita, Yabu and Morofuji. - I greeted them with a smile.

- W-we too.

- Eh? Manabe, why are they stuttering? Am I that scary?

- HUH? NO-NO! It's not like that Kyosei-san! - Yamashita waved her hands.

- You just seemed very, how should I put it... serious. - said Yabu. - and we didn't think you could be so friendly.

- Well... actually, I didn't mean to be serious when I introduced myself. I just had to pretend to be serious because of the atmosphere in class.

There was a silence; which was broken by Morofuji.

- Ah...uh...that...I also wanted to say.... s-thank you..." Morofuji thanked me.

- Huh? Thank you? Is this about the Ryuuen incident? - I asked.

She nodded in response to my question.

- Are you going to the club expo too?

- Yeah.

- Then I'll join you, do you mind Manabe-han?

- I don't mind.

- Hey, Kyosei-san, are you from Kyoto? - Yamashita asked me.

- Heh-heh, yeah, why?

- It's just that... I've always wanted to visit Kyoto. They say it's beautiful there.

- Yeah, it's beautiful, especially the view from the onsen.

- Hey, sweet couple, we're going to be so late. - said Manabe.

She's annoyed, but at what? And why is Yamashita blushing?


Most of the people gathered there were first-years. About a hundred people froze in impatient anticipation for the opening of the presentation. As soon as we entered the hall, booklets with club descriptions were immediately rushed to us. After all, the event was organised by the school primarily so that clubs could recruit new members.

- I wonder if this school has a particularly popular club. Like... something like boxing, or judo" I shared my thoughts.

- Apparently, the clubs here are very good. I hear their members often make it to the national level. - said Yabu.

- Thanks for waiting rookies! Representatives from each club will tell you in detail what exactly they do and what you need to do to join. I'm Tachibana, the student council secretary and the person in charge of today's club fair.

It's a pleasure to meet you! After a friendly and polite greeting from the secretary, club representatives lined up to the gymnasium podium.

You could say that each of them with their own appearance epitomised the club they belonged to. Among them, snow-white judogi and brightly coloured traditional kimonos stood out.

All the clubs seemed ordinary. If I learnt anything interesting from this performance, it was the existence of small clubs dedicated to tea ceremony and calligraphy, and that a minimum of three people were needed to form a new club.

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