Chapter 2. Enrolment Ceremony II. Classes

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Pov: Kyosei Tsuneo.

I don't like entrance ceremonies, and I think a lot of first-years would agree with me. You have to stand on your feet while the principal and the students spend an annoyingly long time showering you with pleasantries - in general, it's too much of a hassle.

But that's not what this is about. The junior, middle, and high school entrance ceremonies mark the beginning of the most important period of a freshman's life. During the first few days, students are expected to make friends so that they can enjoy their high school youth to the fullest. And if one fails in this area, alas, three whole years of sadness await.

Although one man with the eyes of a dead fish would disagree with me...

- Looks like we're here..." said Manabe opening the door.

Looking around the classroom, I slowly made my way to the seat that had my name tag attached to it. It was almost in the centre, with Manabe sitting behind me, flanked by a grey-haired girl with a book and a girl with short blue hair, and a large dark-skinned student in the front. It's not a bad place, but you know, it's uncomfortable being in the centre. I mean, I don't mind sitting anywhere, but I'd rather sit in the back row, whether it's in the middle, front or back.

- We're Manabe-han's neighbours, I said.

- That's right. Wait. Did you say -han? Are you from Kyoto? - Manabe asked.

(A/N * the suffix (-han) is commonly used in Kyoto dialect, if I remember correctly)

- Yes my parents live there. - I replied.

- And you...

- I moved to Tokyo two months ago. - I interrupted her.

- I see.

That was the end of our little dialogue.

When I sat down, I saw a black-haired man who turned out to be our teacher and began to speak.

- Take your seats. I'm Sakagami-sensei, and I'm the class teacher of class C. There will be no class changes in this school. I will be in charge of you for the next three years until you graduate. I will hand out a list of school rules and instructions to the incoming students.

After that, the students started passing materials to each other.

- We have special rules at our school: Firstly, you will live in the dormitory, and while you are in school, your ability to leave the campus and contact with the outside world will be limited. But don't worry, so that you don't suffer from the restrictions, we have plenty of activities here. There's karaoke, cinema halls, cafes and even trendy boutiques. You can say that the whole school with its surrounding buildings and grounds is a small city. Its territory covers an area of more than six hundred thousand square metres of the central part of the city.

- Secondly, there is another feature, the S-system," he added immediately. - I will now hand out your student ID cards. You can use these cards to pay for any shopping and entertainment on campus. To buy things, you will use points stored in the school's official computer system. You can use your points to buy anything at this school. Points are awarded on the first of each month. One point is worth one yen. You've already been awarded 100,000 points for this month.

"100 000!!!"

"No way."

- Are you surprised by the amount of your allowance? This school evaluates students on merit. You are attributed a great value just for being admitted here. After graduation, the balance in your account will be zeroed out. Since points can't be exchanged for money, there's no point in saving them up. It's up to you what you spend them on. Spend them on whatever you want or need. You can also transfer them to someone else, but bullying and taking points away is not allowed. The school rules are very strict. - Sakagami-sensei looked round the class with an attentive gaze. - Doesn't anyone have any questions? In that case, try to be diligent students.

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