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Miranda typed on her computer and her thoughts drifted to Ben and what they had done.

Picking up her phone she strolled through her contacts and dialed Arizona's number.

"Hey, Bailey!"

"Hey," Miranda returned.

"I was calling for advice. I hate that you and Torres moved so far away. I can't talk about this stuff with anyone else and I know you have experienced this... but after you cheated on your wife, did you have any intentions of telling her?"

Arizona gasped, "Excuse me,"

"I'm serious....oh wait Callie found out. You didn't tell...did you want to tell?"

"Bailey why are asking me this? Why not Meredith?"

"Well Meredith didn't know Derek was married, so she's no help."

"And Teddy. I heard a while ago the whole o.r. heard her having sex with Tom, cheating on Owen." Arizona added.

"Oh I forgot about that...how the hell did you hear about that way across the country?"

"You know Richard is very chatty."

"That much is true."

"So Bailey. You cheated on Calvin but with whom?"

"Ben," Miranda answered listening to Arizonas squeal.

"Wait, how? You can't even get it up while they're unconscious. Unless he's minimally conscious..how did?

"I forgot to call you all and tell you that Ben Is awake. Did you think I would sleep with him any other way?" She asked rolling her eyes at her dumb conclusion.

"Oh my god yayyy. I'm so happy for you and him...I could cry for you right now,"

"But you know I'm engaged so. I went over to Ben's house to get something and we had sex. Many positions and different orgasms."

"Ohhhh dam,"

"Yeah, and it weighs on me. I felt so bad after I did it. I was going to flat out tell him I had sex but then I froze and just told him we kissed."


"I know, so he was upset about that and rightly so but now I feel more guilty and I don't want to come back and be like oh I lied. Ben and I had sex."

"Yeah, I honestly don't even know what to say. I don't know if I would bring it back up."

"I don't think I am." Miranda sighed.

"Somethings you have to take with you to the grave...was it good though?"

"Phenomenal," she said quickly

"That's the problem with sleeping with someone else while in a relationship. I'm always scared that I will come across someone too good. Better than who I'm with." Arizona voiced.

"It's like a slap in the face, anyway how are you, Callie, Sofia, and how is Herman?" She questioned and then listened to her details on everyone.

Ben spent the next few days completing the housework. His home theme was now royal blue, white and grey.

On his first day of work, he was nervous but enjoyed meeting everyone, and even though he was a Rookie, he enjoyed doing all the fire scut work.

Two days later Miranda was sitting at her desk when the mail carrier knocked. "Come in,"

"Here is your mail, Doctor Bailey."

"Thanks, Kyle,"

Miranda grabbed the stack and she looked through it stopping at the manilla envelope with Ben's name and the address to the house they once shared.

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