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Miranda walked inside the home care building. She signed in and made her way to Ben's room.

"Hey baby," she greeted taking her usual seat.
"I brought the crossword." She voiced as she got situated.

She grabbed her pen and began to read the clues out loud as she filled it out. After 30 minutes she was done and she smiled at Ben as she set it aside.

"I saw on the sign-in list that your sister came by. I know you enjoyed listening to her." Miranda smiled grabbing his hand.

"Tuck's birthday was yesterday," she informed. "Tucker and I finally agreed on something. We came together and took him to that indoor waterpark you suggested months back. Crazy enough and I never thought that I would say this but I actually like Tucker's wife.  She is so nice and funny. We had a good time. The only thing missing was you.

4 months ago.

After coordinating Ben's transfer, they arrived in the ambulance at Grey Sloan.

"Bailey !" Jackson said urgently.

"Ben was in a car accident and the doctors at Seattle press did a craniotomy and other surgeries on his abdomen. His leg was broken too. He didn't respond to touch, sound, or light. They said that only time would reveal the true extent of his injuries and whether his brain could recover from the trauma." Miranda informed as she cried.

"Let's get him up to ICU," Jackson told the nurses.

"I need shepherd,"

"She just got married." Jackson returned.

"Well, there will be no honeymoon. She's the best and I need her here." She snapped.

"I'll page and call her." Jackson voiced and grabbed Miranda's shaking hand. "It's going to be okay." He tried to assure her.

Miranda used her scrubs to dry her face but tears kept on falling.

Amelia came after an hour or so. "Sorry, I'm late."

"It's fine," Miranda waved off as she stood from the chair beside his bed.

Amelia pulled out her light and checked his eyes and there was no response.

"I am going to run some tests." She told her after carefully removing the head bandage. She looked around at his stitches and the swollen sight.

"It's only been a few hours, so we will know more once the swelling goes down even more," Amelia said and Miranda nodded.

She pulled her phone out and replayed his voicemail. Her heart ached more but she just wanted to hear his voice.

"I'm so sorry, Ben Warren." She apologized squeezing his hand.

"I do trust you and I love you. I love you so much..."

"Hey, Bailey. I just heard," Richard voiced walking through the door.

"They don't know if he will ever wake up," she said looking up at him.

"We have to be hopeful and strong. Shepherd is the best of the best. We will just wait until we know for sure. Warren is strong he would pull through this." Richard assured her.

A couple of days passed and Miranda never left the spot she was sitting in until Richard or someone practically forced her to move, to eat, to take a walk. She had bags under her eyes and they were consistently red from crying.

Shepherd carefully reviewed Ben's medical history and conducted a battery of tests to assess his neurological status.

Miranda sat up. She had her head on Ben's lap when she walked into the room.

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