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The present

The new nurse at the home care facility walked into Ben's room and she began her routine. Cleaning him and brushing his teeth. She then did his p.t. before rolling him to check for bed sores and to give him time off of his back.

The woman forgot to put the guard up before rolling him and accidentally pushed him onto the floor.

"Oh my god," she called out before rushing to his side.

"I need help in here," she yelled.

"I am so sorry," she voiced tending to his head. She heard about the patient's wife and everyone warned her that this woman would have their throats if something happened to him that was preventable.

After getting him back onto the bed they checked him out. "Protocol says that he has to go to the hospital to get checked out."

Ben arrived to the hospital and they rolled him in.

"He's in a vegetative state?" Schmitt asked walking up.

"Yeah, his chart says he was in a car accident suffered major head trauma, and has been in a vegetative state for 6 years now." The nurse read.

"What brings him here today?" The intern asked checking his pupils.

"Fell from his bed while being turned. He just needs to be checked out for insurance purposes."

"Okay, got it. I just need to repair his head lac and run some tests. Let me go get those things and update his electronic medical chart." The intern stated walking off.

Ben coughed. His throat felt so dry. He opened his eyes and they were cloudy. He tried closing them and opening them multiple until they cleared.

"Ughh" he groaned reaching for his head. His arm ached in the process. With great force. He sat up and stretched.

"Jesus Christ," he groaned. Throwing his legs off the side of the bed. He sat there for a minute and let the blood circulate well.

His head was pounding and he felt a little disoriented. He tried to remember what the hell happened and the car accident came swooshing back to his mind.

"Okay, a little stiffness is to be expected." He voiced standing up.

He stretched and rotated his arms around before walking out of the ER room.

"Hey, have you seen Chief Bailey," Ben asked a nurse who walked by.

"She had surgery this morning but might be in her office by now, and sir you should really get that head lac looked at."

"Okay, I will" he replied walking off.

"Hey baby" Calvin greeted walking into her office and shutting the door.

"Hey, honey," Miranda replied leaning back against her desk.

"You look good." He complimented looking her up and down. "New heels?"

"Yeah, red bottoms." She replied sticking her leg out and twisting her heel.

"Mmmmm," he licked his lips looking up into her eyes.

"You okay there cowboy," she teased.

"How about I be the horse and you be the cowgirl? I'll let you ride all night." He replied and pulled into him by her hips.

Miranda reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck as she smiled against his lips before they kissed.

Ben looked through the window as he walked up and his blood boiled. That couldn't be his wife.

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