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"Good Morning Chief Bailey," Calvin greeted walking out of the attendings lounge.

"Good morning," she smiled.

"Did you think about my date invitation?"

"I did and Calvin I'm married." She informed.

She watched as the man frowned. "I'm sorry,"

"He's is in a vegetative state. So technically I'm married but he's unresponsive and has been for the past five years. You would be the first person I have gone out with since which is why I am hesitant about it."

"I totally understand Miranda,"

"But, I would like to try." She smiled lightly trying to put her best foot forward.

"Okay, how about a dinner date where we can just get to know each other and you can tell me about your life and the life you had with your husband." He offered.

"I would like that,"

"Are you free tonight?" Calvin asked walking down the hallway with her

"I am,"

"Okay, do you have any recommendations?"

"That's the beauty about being new to Seattle. I'm not going to make it easy. You gotta do some research."

Calvin laughed looking over. "Okay, I will get back to you."

"Alrighty then,"

Later that night Miranda got dressed inside of the room. She looked in the mirror admiring her outfit choice.

"What do you think?" Miranda asked Ben as she stood in front of the bed. "This one is a burgundy wrap dress and I have on black booties with a peep toe. I curled my hair and put on silver jewelry." She described.

It was almost as if she could still hear his voice in her head. "You look good in anything Miranda, especially nothing." She laughed to herself, remembering it as if it was yesterday.

"I know that, but you wouldn't believe how much weight I have gained since you have been unconscious. I shrunk down a lot during the beginning but during COVID I gained so much." Miranda added as she pulled at the dress.

"Or do you think I should go with just a black dress?" She asked him indecisive.

"I know, I know. I'm going to just stick with what I have on," She waved off.

"Okay, I will be back later."

Miranda met Calvin at the restaurant, they walked inside and were led to their table. After putting in their drink order. They began to talk back and forth.

"How did you meet your husband?"

"At the hospital, during surgery. He was an anesthesiologist. It was the worst meeting you have for a couple."


"Because our patient woke up on the table. He's in charge of keeping them asleep so I yelled at him and I yelled at him really bad after surgery. I talked to him like he was an intern and chewed him out."

"And he asked you out after that?" He asked amused.

"Surprisingly. He asked me out on Valentine's Day and I said no."

"You said no.. you couldn't stand him" He repeated.

"Mmm-hmm I said no and it wasn't because I couldn't stand him. It's because I liked him."

"So you said no."

"I said no," she laughed.
"The patient waking up on the table wasn't his fault. She metabolized drugs way too fast and none of us could have predicted that. Ben figured it out himself, he asked me for help and that's when I fussed him out, so I didn't help him one bit. Once he figured it out he came back to rub it in. He kept trying to get me to say sorry and I did not until I think our second date I finally apologized...so I said no because it was two weeks since that incident and he appeared in all of my surgeries. He would try to engage in a conversation with me and I was a stuttering, nervous mess. I couldn't talk around him or think of anything intelligent to say. I felt like a schoolgirl with an older boy crush. Eventually, I came back that same day and told him that I liked him and I would go to dinner. We hit it off but I was just so dam nervous partially because I had been married before and that ended badly."

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