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↳❝chapter seven. let us protect you guys this time.❞

IT WAS HALLOWEEN and the streets were packed with people in costumes

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IT WAS HALLOWEEN and the streets were packed with people in costumes. The Carpenters walk across campus, eyeing everyone they pass. Isabel, for one, thought this plan was extremely stupid but she chose to not say anything that would implicate herself even further with the killers.

"You should have stayed with the others." Sam tells Tara, as Isabel nods in response, seated safely in the van unlike her so sisters.

"Not gonna happen."

"There’s no point in putting yourself at risk when I can just go by myself." Sam replies, but stubbornly Tara doesnt agree. "I’m not. I’m your back-up." She replies making Isabel smile despite her nerves. Isabel then takes her earpiece out before turning to speak to Kirby on the other end of the van.

"So tell me Kirby, how well thought out is this plan?" Isabel asked and she could practically see Kirby roll her eyes.

"The killer usually calls from nearby. It will only take me about 15 seconds to trace him." She replied.

"Or her." Mindy chimes in from her spot next to her brother, causing Isabel to roll her eyes.

"You're really convinced I'm the killer, aren't you?" Isabel asked her ex-bestfriend who just gave her a sarcastic 'so-so' look.

"I mean why else would you let your sisters wander around campus as bait while you're safe in the van, unless you want them to get killed?" Mindy adds as Chad clapped really loudly.

"Okay, that's enough out of you." He said pointing to his twin sister who just scoffed in response.

"But besides that. You having them out there as bait-"

"Can you stop calling my sister's bait? Thank you." Isabel chimes sending Mindy an annoyed smile into a frown look.

"Okay, you having them out there as decoys isn't going to work. This is literally how our uncle Randy died. You know, broad daylight, on the phone, dragged into a van, stab, stab, stab. No more uncle Randy." Mindy explained and Isabel let out a shaky breath not wanting to think about her sisters getting killed.

"I'm gonna get some air." The brunette announced as she made her way out of the van. "Try not to gut anyone in the process!" Mindy called out causing Isabel to let out a sigh. The Carpenter made her way over to an empty area where there was nearly anybody around. She found herself sitting up against a tall tree just thinking, well mostly reminiscing.

"I love you, Isa." She heard in her head as she was trying her best not to cry remembering that moment. She was soon interrupted when she heard the sound of a twig snapping from behind her. Her body instantly stiffened as she tried her best to relax, thinking it was probably the killer.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2023 ⏰

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