9: Task at Hand { V }

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TW: Death, detailed gore.
EXECUTION: Task at Hand
Kirumi has been found guilty.
Time for the punishment!

Kirumi started off by standing behind a closed, mechanic double door in a small, enclosed and inky-black room, just about fitting her whole body.

In one of her hands was a stainless serving plate, topped with an iron lid, steam flowing from the ridged gaps on the bottom.

The doors opened themselves and a gush of wind pushed Kirumi into a room. The pattern of the floor was equally sized squares, and before Kirumi could process everything, the square beneath her feet fell into a dark void. Before she ultimately fell to her death, she wedged the metal plate between two squares, then lifted herself with all her strength.

She clambered onto the square infront of her, clutching her chest with one hand, still holding the plate, although the lid fell into the void, unleashing smoke into the room. The smoke was thick, and covered most of what she could see. She could still hear squares crumbling and falling.

This went on and on, squares falling as she jumped from square to square, until just two, very distant, squares remained. She stood on one, and as she felt the floor beneath her preparing to fall, she attempted to jump onto the last available square. However, this attempt failed.

The plate clattered onto the square, but Kirumi was nowhere to be seen.

A/N: Sooo...definitely has NOT been half a year since the last chapter wdym... :c
Very short chapter but what can ya do?
Words: 268

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