Part 25

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Dr. Green POV

"Sweet mother of...she was telling the truth Sean. The actual truth. She had a sleepover and a beanbag fight with Volto. And the evidence. The evidence supports it. My god."

Owen was having one of his rare meltdown moments. I could clearly imagine his glasses cracking right now, just like in my favorite anime. I wasn't sure what he was going on about with evidence, but Pookie sure had an interesting way of unraveling the best men in our group until they were nothing more but surprised piles of ribbons, myself included. He sat back in his office chair and held his face together with a fist while he stared the screen down. I took the opportunity of his distracted focus to change the camera we were viewing to the hallway camera where Sang was walking back with Kota. She was safe again, for now.

He got up and paced around the room, his hands in his pockets and spaced off in thought. I sat back in my own chair and watched him circuit the room in his silent way. I decided to throw a little blood in the water. Might as well since he was clearly showing more emotion in the span of twenty four hours than I had seen in the past few years. If anything would help us keep Sang, it would be Owen determined not to lose a member of our family. Not again.

"It's someone she already knows and trusts. It's probably why she's not revealing his identity. Which means she's involved enough that not only could we lose her, we could lose her to him."

Owen turned to me and I could see his fists clenching in his pockets as he came to the same conclusion. He nodded tensely and then we both turned toward the door Kota had just opened for Sang. I took in her downcast eyes and tense posture and then Owen's sharp appraisal of her. His eyes didn't leave her as he addressed Kota.

"Mr. Lee? Hold the full report for now please. Miss Sorenson is excused from the remainder of her classes today and is coming with me."

Kota exchanged a quick look with me at that. I myself wondered what Owen was up to, as we hadn't discussed this. Sang looked up and doubtfully met Owens gaze.

"Where are we going Mr. Blackbourne?"

"My residence Miss Sorenson. It's not..."

Sang sucked in a sharp gasp and held it, a wild, feral look in her bright green eyes as she decidedly shook her head no. Owen cocked his head to the side, interrupted and bewildered at her new behavior. I was going to have to keep a log at this rate of the wtf moments Owen and the rest of us had experienced lately at her hand. Not to mention the one he had just given me. What did he think to gain by taking her there? She spoke up, vehement at the idea.

"No, I don't want to know where you live. Me knowing that would put you at a disadvantage, wouldn't it? You can't risk that with me right now. Do you understand, Mr. Blackbourne? You cannot do that. No, I won't allow it. Don't even speak of it."

Sang had approached Owen and had a hand on his arm and desperation written all over her face. Kota was staring at Owen in shock and I think he was thinking the same thing that was currently running through my own thoughts. Owen hadn't returned home since before we had started the Ashley Waters assignment, choosing instead to camp out at my place or live from his vehicle in various spots around the city. He felt it too risky for the help that worked for him, not to mention his sisters. 

Silas POV

Gabriel was leaning on the wall outside the door to the classroom, an angry look on his face as he flipped through screens on his phone with his thumb. He had been pegged to trail Sang today at a distance and keep her under constant surveillance. I nodded to him as I approached to knock on the door, but hesitated before knocking. Whatever he was watching was irritating the hell out of him. I leaned over the edge of his phone, straining to make sense of the screen while it was upside down. It was just Sang and Mr. Blackbourne talking, but I couldn't hear what was being said. We were due in Biology in four minutes, so I didn't have much time before I had to grab Sang and go. I thumped Gabe's shoulder to get him to hurry up and tell me what was going on. He scowled and rubbed at his shoulder where I got him.

"Ow. Lay off, Silas. This is important."

"Then I should know about it. What's going on?"

Gabe gave me a dark look and pulled one of his wireless earbuds out. I waited. He punched at the door frame, and then fanned his knuckles out in pain.

"Mr. B and the Doc think we're losing Sang. I fucking agree. I can't believe this. She had a sleepover with him Si, and a pillow fight! Watched a motherfucking video too."

Gabe's face became sarcastic as he scowled and raised his fingers in the air, making air quotes and saying some gibberish about not spending all his time with Academy guys. I raised an eyebrow at him. He wasn't making a whole lot of sense at the moment. He twisted around and kicked at the door frame this time, earning a wince from me. He was angry now, but he would be feeling that later. I shrugged and knocked, earning a glare from him as he turned to leave. The door opened and Sang stepped through, nearly bumping into me in her haste to exit the room. I grabbed her by her shoulders to keep her from running off.

"Whoa, Aggelle. Hold on. Kota?"

Kota was right behind her and looked lost. I couldn't see Mr. Blackbourne's eyes with the light reflecting off his glasses, but his face was made of stone as he watched Sang attempt to leave. The doc was in a chair to the side with his brows furrowed at Mr. Blackbourne. Everyone was so upset today. Sang tugged on my arm and called out to Gabe to wait, who was disappearing down the hall. He turned and raised an eyebrow at her, obviously annoyed but waiting anyway. She didn't seem to notice, just seemed relieved. I looked back at Mr. Blackbourne to make sure it was okay to head on out with Sang back to class, but he raised a finger to wait.

"Miss Sorenson?"

Agelle paused mid-tug but kept her head turned away. I felt her hand trembling on my arm and placed my hand over hers to steady her. Mr. Blackbourne pushed his glasses up against the bridge of his nose and kept them there with a lean forefinger.

"We will be having a family meeting after school is concluded at Mr. Griffin's home. We will discuss this in further detail there. Mr. Lee, a report of the day's events may be discussed then as well. Make sure everyone is there. And Miss Sorenson?"

Sang finally turned her head up, looking back at him. Mr. Blackbourne's face softened ever so slightly.

"I'm not giving up on you."

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