On the ship 2

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Sensitive topic. You guys can skip this part dw I'm only adding this part.this includes slut shame, sa, rape and more sensitive topics you might not want to read so please skip if you are not comfortable with this.

Sanji was sitting there collectively his thoughts when two bodyguards came in.


"Um hi..?" Sanji asks out of awkwardness

"Boss wasn't lying he's pretty hot" bodyguard 1 says

"Hello I'm right here?" Sanji says confused

"Yep he has pretty nice curves" body guard 2 says scanning Sanji

"Can you guys hear me..?" Says sanji standing up really confused

"Yeah he has a nice ass" body guard 1 says smirking

"Excuse me what..? You cannot talk about my body like that in front of me" Sanji sternly says disgusted at them

"Calm down sweet heart be glad at least someone is hitting on you,you skeleton" said bodyguard 1 looking at his body

"Yeah look at your body you look like you haven't ate anything in days" body guard 2 adds

"Mind you I'm the perfect wieght for my age and you should look at yourself you look like a crocodile put some lotion on and i could smell your bad breath for miles" Sanji says standing up for himself.

"Woah slow your roll sugar my bad you look like a women but id still smash" bodyguard 1 protests

"Ew that doesn't make up for anything that your a perv get away" Sanji says in disgust

"Hey you shouldn't speak to us like that we are your elders" body guard 2 yells scaring Sanji a little bit.

The two body guards slowly walk closer to Sanji.

"Why are you moving closer ever heard of space?" Sanji questions

Suddenly body guard 1 grabs Sanji's waist causing Sanji to scream

"AHHH WTF GET AWAY" sanji cries out trying to push him off

Body guard 2 grabs Sanji's shoulders holding him tight while bodyguard 1 assaults Sanji's body as he cries begging not to touch him

"PLEASE LET GO ILL DO ANYTHING PLEASE NOT THIS!" Sanji begs trying to get out of bodyguard 2 grip

But nobody can hear poor Sanji as he gets assaulted without anyone knowing.

Two hours later

Sanji cries in a corner curved in a ball as his clothes were ripped out of his body. He hides from the bodyguards. He touches at all the places he had been touched crying and screaming for help. But what has really taken his mind is Zoro.

Hey author here I'm very sorry that you had to read this. I am going to hell. But I had no idea on what to write and I just read pearl boy so yeah.. sorry I'm very sorry thank you for reading my terrible story

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