On the ship!

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Authors note!!
Erm it's 3 am rn but still need to update ‼️‼️‼️‼️ also last chapter forgot to put in """" IM SO FUCKING EMBARRASSED HELLPPP

"Ugh...., where am I?" Sanji says
Sanji was in a pitch black room. All he could see was just darkness.

"Is this a dream? HELLO ANYONE THERE??" Sanji yells but no response

Suddenly he heard something drop behind him

"What was tha-"

As Sanji turned around he saw his mother's dead body on the ground. He saw the poison as his sisters voice echoed through the room

"She sacrificed herself for you!"

"Get onto that boat!"

"No.. no.. no.. this can't be happening!" Sanji tries to tell himself as he tries to cover his ears

He looked at his mother's dead body in horror as the tears start to fall.

"M-mom n- no p-please" Sanji said crying

Suddenly Sanji woke up from his dream in sweat. He was panting and sweating heavily. He looked around and saw that he wasn't on the island anymore he was on a boat. Sanji was still horrified from the dream as he tried to collect himself and calm him down.

The maids:::

"Hey guys remember the blonde guy and green hair guy?" Maid 1 asks

"Yeah what about them?" Says maid 3

"I'm just wondering where are they right now?" Maid 1 says

"Ooh~~ there probably on a date!!" Maid 2 exclaims "probably on the Ferris wheel kissing and smooching!!"

"Oh get ahold of yourself there just probably just checking out the town." Says maid 4

"hey remember the casino?" Asks maid 3 "the one where they sold human pets"

"We don't talk about that remember girls were not supposed to!" Yells maid 4

"Well I hope they didn't get taken most attractive gals get kidnapped and sold" wonders maid 1

"Oh remember when this one girl came to our island pink hair girl look like a butterfly" asks maid 2 "heard she came from of a family of human cyborgs also works with the casino too"

"Oh for the love of grace! Stop talking about outsiders! Boss told us to never talk about that girl now go back to cleaning!" Orders maid 4

"Sheesh dang" whispers maid 2

"I just don't want to get us arrested" mutters maid 4

Authors note
Foreshadowing ✨✨✨✨

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