The beginning

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There is no franky or brook in this timeline y'all

Sanji's POV: "That damn mosshead!, It was all his foualt " Sanji cuts the vegetables with anger and accidentally cuts his hand "tch" He goes to Chopper's room to get bandege his hand. As he walks to Chopper's room and comes across zoro. They look at each other with Anger and disgust. They quickly look away. "That stupid mosshead!"

Zoro's POV: "stupid curly eyebrows, no wonder he cut his hand." Zoro replays the scene in his mind. He blushes a little. "Why was that damn cook like that, God the feeling is back."

Hour earlier: Nami: "THATS ENOUGH OF THE BOTH OF YOU THIS IS THE 5th TIME YOU HAD A FIGHT TODAY." Sanji looks at zoro with disgust and anger. Zoro glares back. Nami: "WHEN WE GO TO THE ISLAND YOU GUYS WILL HAVE TO BE TOGETHER"  Zoro: "like thats gonna happen" zoro gets a big bruise on his head. Nami:" If you don't be together than you guys will be losing privileges, like being on the tower etc." Sanji glares at Zoro mouthing "this is all your fault" sanji gets a big bruise on his head. Nami:" ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME? , I got this device on the island from the tribe" Nami holds up shiny bracelets that have a hint of green with a side of yellow. Nami :" you will not be chained together if you move about 6ft away from The person I will be notified, and if I notified I will kill you." Nami smiles. Chopper : "Nami is scary." Robin pats his head and laughs. Brook is noting to  never piss off Nami. Luffy is just sleeping.

Present: sanji : "thanks chopper!" chopper : "be careful next time! And don't put too much pressure the cut isn't too bad." sanji smiles and walks away but then he hears ussop yell "I FOUND A ISLAND."

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