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Sanji woke up in agony in his rear end.  But then he looked to the right to see zoro. Then he remembered what happened last night. Thinking of it made him blush. Then zoro woke up. "How's your back slut."  sanji blushed. Then zoro kissed him. Sanji closed his eyes. Once they were done kissing they got dressed up for breakfast.

Maid 1: " The blonde one looks totally recked ."  maid 4:"that. Means he's the bottom."  maid 3: "oh to be him."

After break fast the two decided to explore the island more unaware what this island has for them. " oi cook let's go over there." yelled zoro. "Yea yea wait." sanji yelled back. The went to a odd looking shop with a gasly scent. The room was filled with strange toys such as eyeballs and spider goo. Unaware of the scent zoro fainted. " moss head?" said sanji before fainting with him only to catch a glimpse of two buitiful women. 

"Oi cook wake up!"  yelled zoro. " yeah yeah!" yelled back sanji. They were taken to a room that looked like a chamber. There was a speaker who eventually turned on. "Roronaro zoro and black leg sanji!" said the speaker. "Tell me where your crewmates are or you get i-" zoro slashed they the bars clean. " alright let's go." said zoro. The two walked around the underground place hoping to find an exit while arguing. "Let's go here!" yelled zoro.  "Do you clearly do not see the light?" sanji yelled back. They went through the light to see a audience. They turn around to the door slamming shut. " god dammit!" yelled sanji. They try to escape through the audience but stoped when the platform they were standing on lifted. A set of chains also lifted from the ground. It looked like chamber. The chamber was getting lifet higher and higher to the point that they were on the sealing. The were very high up with the chamber moving side to side.

This is what the chamber looks like.

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